
sitting here in limbo

I am so sitting on the fence right now.

There is no state worse for me than the state of indecision. It's not even fashion week yet and I'm off to a blogger's event for Maybelline (more about that later) and it shouldn't matter what I wear, but I couldn't find my favourite old camel pullover and it kind of freaked me out. So I started pulling out all my clothes. Huge pile on the floor: chaos. Had to fold everything neatly before I left (in alternating colours: one shelf is all black white camel, other shelves are various other current favourite colours schemes).

Reader: I am mental.

I am finally wearing the oddest get up: grey jumper over lace nude biker shorts... I look in sane but I think it's good practice for me - or good punishment - to walk on the streets all day like this. Do you ever have a day where you're like PARALYSED with indecision? God knows how I'll get to fashion week tomorrow. And Shini and I will be blogging for Next! They've just started a blog: click here. Oh, and the'll expect us to do daily self style posts. That's fine for Shini - she's sooo stylish - but suddenly, I'm in a tizzy. (Ann of Glamourshoes aptly dubbed it 'fashion panic' which is so true! And the name of a future post, thanks Ann! ;)

That's a really really good song by the way, by Jimmy Cliff. Do click on it. It's lovely.

Shot by Mr. Dot in Hyde Park last August: that's how crazy this London weather has been. Buttery suede car coat is my mom's - ripped but I love it - black tee, the Gap, white jeans the Gap, too. I know it's kind of uncool, white jeans - think Liz Hurley, late 90s - but I just am loving the trilogy of white black and camel right now.

Sitting here in limbo, knowing that it's time to go.


  1. really loving these photos- theyre so fun and playful.thanks for sharing.
    not many can pull off white pants- but this is indeed proof that there's hope ;)
    sweet song

  2. I'm sure you look great! So excited for you, blogging for Next - well done!

  3. Love the colour combo too and it's always lovely to see shots of you on here. Also have a great pair of white jeans that I didn't wear once all summer. Weird. Can't wait to see your next posts! xx

  4. Ah, I adore Jimmy Cliff's voice!
    I recall him from my formative years in the West Indies. Excellent heading for a post, and the pictures marry well, too;-)

  5. I am so with you!! I've just found out i'm going to Fashion Week tomorrow. So excited and nervous and have no idea what to wear, AT ALL. I'm suddenly feeling totally unfashionable and now feel all this pressure to 'look amazing' or 'cool' or 'interesting' and i'm freaking out! I'm going to be at The Look Show at the Saatchi Gallery. Not sure if you're around at all but if you are would be nice to put a face to the name. Anyways, i'll be tweeting away no doubt so maybe see you somewhere!

    PS bet the lacy shorts looked great xx

  6. I hate it when the "fashion panic" comes over me! I usually start with the shoes to pull me over the hump! I'm sure you look great! And camel is speaking to me right now too! I think its a nice change with b&w!

  7. Ooh I love this coat. I agree about the colour combo too. Was invited to that Maybelline thing and would've loved to go (especially so we could hang out!) but had to work. Oh well, plenty of fun still to be had in Fashion Week and am looking forward to seeing you. I have NO clue what to wear though, I may need help! x

  8. State of indecisions? Welcome to my world! I bet you look very cute in what you're wearing. Dot (US)

  9. i will say with all honesty: there is nothing in the world wrong with white jeans- anytime of the year. i was a fashion rebel even in high school when i wore my white levi's to school in the dead of winter. i remember the first day i wore them "unseasonably": the guy i had a crush on remarked how he like them. ;) so it was worth it.
    you are rocking those white jeans, Jill. wear them whenever you please!

  10. Aw, bless you, S (and L Dot, Jen, Ann). That just goes to prove that what guys think looks good has nothing to do with what our female peers think looks good. I guess they just don't know the rules.

    Which begs the question: who are we really dressing for?

    Food for thought for a future post.

  11. I love that photo of you!!!
