
street stalker: first shearling aviator jacket sighting

As Ellie Jane said: they're here. The aviators have landed.

It happened last week: actually come to think of it, the same day as Vogue's Fashion Night Out, and the day I got caught in the rain (see previous post). I was coming out of the tube and you know those really loooooong escalators? This girl was on them but it was really crowded. I started thinking, Jill, this is getting nuts. Maybe it's time you give this street style business a rest.

But, Reader: I couldn't help myself. I was running up the escalator like Matt Damon in The Bourne Identity, the music playing really loud in my head, heart pounding.. innocent bystanders getting knocked down right and left, while I'm pulling my camera from my bag, shooting as I go.

She did eventually give me the slip so I don't know if she purchased it (or, where) or if she borrowed it from her brother, boyfriend, father, or a genuine aviator. But the point is, they're here.

Predictions: London Fashion Week. What percentage do you think will be wearing one?


  1. The aviators have landed.

  2. It's a shame I left mine (which I bought like 4 years ago) in Spain... Maybe I should go back and bring it! The funny thing is that I left the normal black leather one too... I had to buy another one here because I had no jackets.
    I'd love to see you one day taking this kind of pictures hehe xxx

  3. You are too funny, Jill!!!
    I don't think I'll see many here in middle Tennessee. the weather is perfect now, eventually it will get cooler but not so cold to wear that beauty!

  4. Jill! I've just seen your comments on my blog and your blog (i've been out of action at Bestival on the Isle of Wight - it's taken me a while to recover and come back to blogging). I'm so glad I could help bring a smile to your face last week! Seriously though, you must be making up the cellulite. And if you aren't, pfffff, who cares! One of the joys of being a woman is that we have many tools to hide these things if we so wish!

    Thanks for following the blog btw, much appreciated. I really enjoy reading your daily thoughts, your thought pattern is very pleasing!

    Anyways, it's been a long day and i'm still not fully functional. Take care and see you soon xx

  5. I really like hers. And she's styled it really well, looks very relaxed!

    Lydia xxx

  6. Ha, i love that you literally chased her down!! It is the perfect weather for them now, i wore mine for the first ime this year on Monday. Think i'll be leaving it at home for LFW though!! I'll be there on Saturday, hope to see you there! xxxx

  7. i predict loads. actually - i think more than a shearling aviator i think people will have leather jackets with shearling lining that pokes out at the collar. love your comparison to jason bourne. i can totally see that. xx

  8. I saw the first one last night! (Apart from my own, which is like this - big, old and slouchy!). How I wish I'd seen your escalator sprint, sounds hilarious but well done, great spot xx

  9. my dad has one of those, maybe i should borrow his? South Africa is going into Summer now so will have to wait until winter!



  10. I can just imagine you running around like Jason Bourne, Perhaps you are the Secret Service arm of the Fashion Police!
