
grace, hope, faith

Late at night last week, while trying to stay awake glued to the TV, watching the Chilean miners rescue, watching President Pinera, I started thinking about what matters most to human beings, what qualities I most admire. Dignity, for starts. GRACE. I started thinking about Grace Kelly, and how there are names for girls (in English) like Grace, Hope, Faith.

This wasn't the post I planned to do this morning, but sometimes, things happen and plans change. I don't think this is how Roz would choose to spend her week, but she's coming to London. I'll let her tell you about it herself: twisted embrace.

When I met Roz and her mum last May, early one Sunday morning on Primrose Hill, while she was larking about, leaping in the air, they didn't mention what Roz has been enduring with courage, dignity, and absolutely, ultimately, with grace.

Roz: I've always felt you have this quality that puts you miles above the rest, so I know you will get through this latest challenge. We salute you.


  1. wow, amazing look, I love it!

  2. I read about Roz's condition on her blog post. She's such a beautiful-photogenic and brave little girl to have such a horrible condition. I really hope the operation goes well....I wish her all the best.

  3. I've just stopped by at her blog to say hi. I'm sure that with her positive attitude, good vibes and a bit of good luck, she'll be great :).

    On alighter note, about the Chilean miners, here in Argentina lots of TV channels broadcasted the rescue 24hs a day, so we got to hear lots of stories about the people stuck in there. There was one married miner who had lover and his wife found out about her because they both went to the mine as soon as they found out about the accident! Ha! Then, there's another one who became a father while he was there; he saw his wife give birth to his little girl on video. They named her "Esperanza", Hope in Spanish :).



  4. I read that too, about the miner with the wife and the lover! They were meant to choose two 'loved ones' to be there when they came out, and the press were speculating in his case which one would get the honour (I think in the end the mistress won out).

    Thank you for stopping by Roz's blog - and Kit, for what you wrote. I'll have an address if anyone wants to send Roz a card, they can get in touch - I'll put it on this post, actually, and then on a little side bar thing.

    hug back! ; ) x

  5. Roz is the epitome of grace. Her blog post was so moving yet so mature and accepting. I really hope all goes well for her.

  6. Wonderful, Jill. Beautifully written post.
    Did you get my email (sent late last night/early this a.m. your time)? And I see you do indeed have Roz's address! Please send it to me, would you? I intend to write her.

  7. Beautiful post Jill, I too will be thinking of Roz this week x

  8. I read Roz's blog post, she is beautiful and I feel she only makes her beauty stronger with her amazing inner strength.

  9. IT's so rare to find people with true Grace these days.

    Great post! You are so beautiful!! I love your coat and shoes :)

    Little Rachael
