
85% glam

Met this woman at the Kurt Geiger party. She's broken Anna Dello Russo's rule about not wearing a coat inside, but apart from that I feel she's got the glam balance down: she's kept the fur and lace from not being totally OTT by wearing edgy boots and long leather gloves. And somehow because her features are strong, not delicate, and her hair so hard edged - a cross between the 70s skater, Peggy Flemming, and that other iconic Peggy: Peggy Moffat, the model who famously wore the first (and last) topless swimsuit in the 60s, somehow it works.

Or at least, I think so. What do you think? Is there such thing as being too glam?

Thank you for your wonderful comments yesterday and especially your tips for Mr. Dot in buying me the right ring. He hasn't seen them yet and is, as we speak, warning that if I don't post, shower, dress, make oatmeal, and am in the car in 37 minutes so that we can go for a lovely walk in Hampstead Heath leaving at 11:00 a.m. SHARP I will be in big trouble. So this doesn't seem the right time. But I shall be glam and warm in my new gifted Mou boots and faux fur jacket - perhaps if I ask nicely he'll take a few snaps.

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend! What's on your Sunday schedule? Hope it's relaxing. I can live vicariously through your experience, as my weekends tend to be anything but.


  1. Love her outfit! I always enjoy seeing someone glamourous. As for being too glam, I actually wish there were more women like her who make the effort to glam it up, whatever the ocassion.

  2. Cute cape! So chic and keeps her shoulders warm I'm sure =P

  3. Oh Jill she is wonderful! She is pretty much who I would choose to look like, in a fantasy world!

    I love the fur and the leather. Her face reminds me of Molly Ringwald from those eighties movies.

    Have a lovely walk in Hampstead Heath! I'm off to the Primrose Hill xmas fete today :D x

  4. Oh yes, I do think we're gaining superpowers all the while trying to please our other half (or trying not to blow them up) by being able to squish all that in a mere 37 minutes. I think my biggest problem is that I underestimate the time it takes to get ready, and I overestimate my time management skills. Because, I could be 'getting ready', but there's still minor procrastinations in each activities... like getting dressed would be 3 changes instead of the one change you calculated, or a 10 minute shower instead of 5 just because you wanted to try out another shampoo... oh man it's terminal.

    Beautiful photos, (wow see how long it took me to write something relevant to the post?) her bob and the stark purple is rather perfect together, as you said, her features are strong so surely must be accompanied by a strong colour ;)

  5. She is very beautiful but I find real fur repulsive especially red fox as it is the exact colour of my dog Simba (I forgot to tell you I have 8 Pomeranians only 3 are officially mine but its a long story). I would have gone for heels over boots but she pulls it off. I do love the leather gloves and the lace, and her hair cut is amazing my mum used to have a cut like that they called it the Purdey after Joanna Lumley!

  6. Oh the cape is amazing. And the boots are an unexpected edge.

  7. wow, looks really cool. i love the hair and the tights. the shoes with this outfit are not my cup of tea but then again i am not a hipster from east london and a bit stuffy ;) hair reminds me of mireille mathieu.

    in a good way.


  8. I'm sure I got a photo of her at FW in a purple leather dress..... love her in the pink light though!

    Enjoy the Heath - walking in the footsteps of Keats......(& don't forget to drink a toast to the original Highwayman at the Spaniards tavern!!) xxo

  9. I love the colours in your photos from the Geiger event. The pink tones in them are delicious.
    Loved the rings in your previous post too.
