
give me a ring

Ever since I did my post on Thanksgiving about how I'm all holier than thou and don't want any material things, I have been obsessed - absolutely obsessed - with the idea of owning a cocktail ring. I don't have any, apart from a few that my sweet niece Scarlett gave me two years ago, when she was six. She had some, gave me some, they were like friendship rings, and she's on tour with my brother now for Thanksgiving weekend, flying in private jets and hanging out at hotel pools and performing on stage, and I'm sure she's forgotten all about those rings. They're great: big pink and orange fake stones, surrounded by little fake diamonds. But the rings are sharp from the plastic moulds, and they really are Cracker Jack prizes. Literally.

No, I want a real one. A real, faux one. Like the trio of YSL rings shown here - all shot in the same press day (clockwise from top, Camilla at Urban Outfitters, Jackie with a mini cheeseburger at River Island, and Tala - more about her coming up - at My Wardrobe). All with YSL rings. They're not CRAZY expensive, they're about £100, and they're so bang on trend right now that you just know the people wearing them won't want them a year from now.

That's why I keep trying to think if there's a way I can DIY something.. but I don't have welding equipment and I don't know if super glue is strong enough. Does anyone have any DIY tips? Or know any really nice cheaper versions?

It's started me thinking: I do have a wish list. A secret wish list. And this is on the top of it. My family aren't together at Christmas - we're scattered to the winds, and tend to spend it with our spouses' families - and even with my family-in-law, we all don't make a fuss. I've even got in the habit of buying myself something silly or practical and wrapping it and signing it from my husband.

But this year.. I want him to buy me a cocktail ring. I'm like a dog with a bone about it. I can't let go. He knew this would happen when I started blogging about fashion. 'Remember the number one rule for drug dealers: DON'T DO YOUR OWN DRUGS'.

I know, I know, Mick, we can't always get what we want, but right now I want what I WANT, not just what I need.

Torn between two songs that have been playing in my head non stop. I don't know if anyone reading this ever plays my little youtube videos, and I'm so used to thinking of Madonna as she is now, with her boy toys and her old lady hands, but damn if she wasn't at her absolute brilliant Lady Gaga best when she made this video.

Thank you to VESHOEVIOUS for inadvertently sourcing the ring above: it's Merle O'Grady, with My Wardrobe, and she did an interview with her at LFW on her brilliant blog, Taxonomy of a Wardrobe. Check it out.

All the rings shown here, apart from the YSL ones, are from MY WARDROBE press day. Available soon. Hopefully, in time for Mr. Dot to get me one for Christmas.

(This just in: Literally. The top ring - the one I love - it's by Aamaya by Priyanka and My Wardrobe has it online as of this minute in black onyx (black/white, check it out) for £157.00. They'll be getting more in soon but that's the first. Check out more of their line: AAMAYA by PRIYANKA.

Because, after all, let's face it: we are, when all is said and done, living in a material world. And I am a material girl.


  1. I love the YSL ones but they are all over the place now so I would want something more unique, have you seen the Lola Rose rings, nice big natural crystal things and I think they are around £100. Or ebay vintage silver rings you get such a random assortment I do that search all the time for something cheap but really nice and unusual x

  2. Thanks for your comment on my blog! How do you get involved in Press Days? Would love to do something like that.
    BTW the spiky ring in the last pic with the turquoise gems is by the lovely Merle O'Grady who I interviewed at London Fashion Week for my blog here -
    She's fascinating and her answers on what inspires her designs are very interesting - I think you should get a cocktail ring by her! Strong jewellery for strong women and less obvious than YSL (lets face it, everyone seems to have one by YSL) and you're supporting a new talent.

  3. Oh man, I LOVE rings right now, your driving me crazy with this post.

    As for DIY...I know some local colleges run welding workshops..xx

  4. ok, this is a note to "mr. dot": buy jill a cocktail ring! preferably in one of her favorite colors...turquoise...coral...some ocean-inspired color. something very statementy, but not too trendy or cheap-looking (not that you would do that, i'm just sayin'.)

  5. Ha-ha-ha! Mr. Dot, you are in TROUBLE!

    I agree with Stephanie above. Turquoise or coral are probably Jill's favorite.

    Thanks for your comments on my blog, Jill. Have you thought of soda can jewelry? If I ever try, I will let you know if it's worth the trouble. Meanwhile, hope you get the real ring from Mr. Dot.

  6. OMG - this post is too much. I've been pushing those YSL rings outta my head everytime I've seen them on another blogger. But all these beauties together in one post? I think Mr. Dot MUST get you one for Xmas. It's a great piece I think anyone would wear even 40 years from now. Even your granddaughter will want to wear it. I'm just saying And if Mr.Dot gets this memo - can he relay the message to Mr. DiamondsandTulle? :)

    xx Vivian @ http://diamondsandtulle.blogspot.com

  7. Two ideas: you can purchase ring findings on etsy (look for the ones with a large platform on top); maxi glue a big 'earbob' as my aunts called them to the top. Or

    visit http://www.eclecticala.com/ringsetc/rings10c.htm

    Eclectica always has fun vintage jewelry at prices that don't require me to give up my lattes.

  8. Ohhh I'm in love with the YSL rings... I think it's such a lovely way to buy into such a premium brand! I'm a little bit biased but I think you should try a Stephen Webster cocktail ring! I'm more than happy to show you round our Mount St store!

  9. Wow the spikey turquoise one is amazing!!!

  10. nice ones! YSL must have made a fortune with those rings by now :) it's like other luxury companies live off their sales for perfume and sunglasses - well done, YSL! not feeling the urchin ring but the stones of all the ones above are beautiful! amrita singh does super nice cocktail rings btw - or bounkit - check them out!


  11. YSL has done so well with those rings... I LOVED them from the second I saw them online and finally got one last summer... but NO ONE in my life outside the style blogging world has complimented it... I thought they had universal appeal, but the wider world may not be ready for enormous cocktail rings for day OR evening. Can't let it stop us though, can we?

    Love the blog... makes me miss living in London!

    - Catherine at The Spring

  12. Pret that's a great point: 'popular on the internet but not in real life'. I never thought that way but it's true.

    Thanks each of you - will check out your blogs & reply soon. xx

  13. Hi,
    love you blog, don't think you can ever be overdressed!
    As for the cocktail rings (the ysl ones)
    I saw a girl selling her own designs at Portobello market that were very similar, apparently they are base don traditional turkish and berber designs. She was using real stones and they were around £50-70, i can't remember her name but she said she was going to be a permanent fixture there.
    Hope that helps the boyfriend's xmas budget!
