
breaking the rules: #1

Anna's Rule Number 1: "Don't wear RED or GREEN outfits. You will look alike a Christmas tree."

Trying a new format: when at a crowded party, for example, and you can't get a clear top to toe shot. What do you think?

I love the way this girl wore those Birkenstock-like sandals with such confidence, in a sea of super high elaborate black heels. She looks so familiar, I can't put my finger on why. I might just know her from around town, she's not an actress is she?

Anonymous: can you help me out here please? And while we're at it, can you tell me who made her skirt and her shoes? (I should explain: there is someone out there - my own virtual Fairy Godmother - who calls Herself Anonymous and always can be counted on to source, correct, and otherwise helpfully give me the Answers to the Universe. And I don't have a clue who She is, which makes it all the more wonderful!)

p.s. Big thank you to Kazuko who identified the skirt as Balenciaga. In the time it took me, after posting, to jump in the shower. And her blog is fabulous, check it out.


  1. her skirt is balenciaga. and she looks gorgeous in the middle of all the black uniforms :)

  2. The sandals are a refreshing change from cute pumps or skyscrapers.....she looks very fresh faced summery :)

  3. the sandals are so un-expected!

    love the format of these x

  4. kazuko does have a great blog.
    i don't recognize this girl. what pretty hair she has. the birks are super cute.

  5. Haha I feel like I've let you down! Btw we've met before (you probably dont remember) at fashion week! I told you I liked your blog and you hugged me (which was lovely). You were wearing a school blazer that you said you found in a charity shop and I told you that I went to that particular school.

    Sorry to spam your comment box with a comment totally unrelated to the girl but her sandals are from Kurt Geiger.

    :) xx

  6. i've always liked red and green, it reminds me of xmas(obvs) but this is a good thing, no?

  7. Anonymous! I do remember! In front of the entrance in the back near the Embankment part. I don't understand: is it always you? Every time the right answer just magically appears? But you're so.. young. Somehow I pictured Anonymous more omniscient looking.. you know the type: long grey beard, white robes.. how funny that the shoes are Kurt Geiger as I just came back from their incredible press event: post coming up soon.

    Thanks S.O, daisy dear, momoju, & kazuko!

  8. Oh ho ho: Mat your comment came in just as I sent mine. You'd think, right? Apparently not.

  9. YAY you remember! Hahaha I would say about 95% is me (especially since fashion week), I'm just really wise beyond my years (not really I just have really good memory when it comes to names and faces)

  10. She was featured in Paris Vogue a while ago. I think she's the heiress to a skin care company...can't remember which one.

  11. If you're thinking of Pia Getty - one of the 'Miller sisters' (not Sienna) - they're the 'duty-free' heiresses. Sister Maria-Chantal, other sister Alexandra von Furstenberg.. anyway, this isn't her. I know Pia - she's lovely, we're friendly, her dad made her spokeswoman for Sephora (he owns it), and they look really similar, but maybe this girl is also coincidentally heiress to a skin care company too.

    This is Pia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pia_Getty

    Still searching if anyone's out there! Many thanks and Anonymous, you really are wise beyond your years. I like to think I've got a good memory - it's more like a 'photographic' memory but I'm totally crap with names.

  12. Ha, i love reading your posts, and sometimes the comments even more. You never fail to put a smile on face! x
