
focus: lucy jay

Last night, I went to sleep absolutely flooded with images: sensory overload (and perhaps, too many cupcakes) and really creatively inspired, buzzed, with some of the most amazing creative talent I've seen in the past few days of London 'fashion press week'.

Didn't know where to begin but I do have my favourites, and one of them is Lucy Jay, who I met yesterday at the wonderfully organised 'fashion press week' at the Saatchi Gallery. The combination of the existing art exhibits and how it played off the fashion as art was at times, uncanny. I'm about to head over to meet Roz and her family for lunch and have spent the morning trying to catch up, and was simply overloaded with where to start, but Lucy kept coming into my head: a fashion graduate, she is starting out as one should: simply. Keeping the focus. Just digital print scarves, beautifully designed.

Her booth was that simple: just her, her name, and a few of her scarves. And a bunch of flowers.

Incredibly, hers was the first card that fell out of my bag: all it says is her email address: hello@lucy-jay.com. Please get in touch, show her your support, ask her how you can get her scarves. We've all got to start somewhere, and I feel, with her focus, she will go far.

(p.s. update: Lucy & I have been in touch. In her words: "..With regard to stockists, at the moment I am stocked at no-one boutique in shoreditch who are in conjunction with farfetched.com. I have also recently become stocked with boticca.com..." altho I've checked the site, her scarfs aren't up yet. When in doubt, I guess just get in touch with her directly: as she grows we'll be able to find her in more places, I'm sure.


  1. Ah I saw her work in Boticca.com! Wonderfully cheerful - did she tell you all her scarves are inspired by a personal story or person? I think I remember hearing the scarf in the second picture is about her boyfriend... Anyway they're beautiful, contextually and aesthetically!

  2. Those prints are hypnotic! Really stunning. xx

  3. I blogged about Lucy Jay back in the Spring, her prints are the absolute best!

  4. Great colors
    love her work
    makes you smile


  5. Nice and bright! I always love pieces with a story behind them :)

  6. Wow! just discovered Lucy Jay amazing prints!!!!!!
