
blue jean baby

Thanks to the wonderful blogging global community, trends now seem to crop up overnight, like mushrooms. But still, I feel, different cities and countries have their own personalities. It's subtle, but for example I notice that when I'm in the states I see more denim than in London. I don't know if it's cause I'm more in a city here, and countryside there? And South Beach Miami is so chilled, of course I'd see more denim short shorts there.

So a bit of blue, especially faded, is really feeling like a luxury fabric to me now. And I'm loving it as a third in the trilogy of camel and black (the obvious third, of course, being white, with red a close second). I've always loved camel and black with hot pink - my bullfighters combination - but that's just me, I'm weird.

When I saw Hedvig for a press event the other day (more on that to follow) I was wearing high heels - rare for me - and a skirt and pearls, and still felt like a tomboy next to her in tight ripped jeans. I forget where she got the jeans - Zara maybe? But her gorgeous heels are Acne and new birthday bag from her boyfriend is the Mulberry one she's been wishing for. Somehow the old fashioned shape of those heels feels so new right now.

Something old, new, borrowed, blue: I feel when I've got those four things in balance, all is well with the world.

Must run. The Tube strike really played havoc with our Fashion Press Week plans yesterday. I mean, what if we bloggers just went on strike, huh? I say next Wednesday, no one who has a blog should ride the tube. THAT would show them!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Denim is everywhere in my little village, but not in a stylish way! Hedvig has the most gorgeous shoes!

  3. Gee, Hedvig is such a show-stopper. Re yesterday... I was there, you were not. Do you think maybe we're not destined to meet, EVER, Jill? Perhaps it needs to stay a virtual friendship? xo

  4. P.S. But I still have a special post for you in the making... To come!

  5. the coat is absolutely amazing

  6. Hedvig smiles! My nephew's girlfriend is Norwegian - very lovely, but very serious.
    I love that denim shirt! Gorgeous images.

  7. Great idea - looking forward to my no tube day next Wednesday!

    Love this outfit, so casually elegant.

  8. It's decided then: Next Wednesday, first Annual Blogger's No Tube Day! I'm in.

    Lucy: haha. It's so true! Hedvig is actually such a happy soul, and she does smile sometimes... it's kind of a game with me, trying to catch her on camera in a smile.

    Thanks Jae.. Sabine just left you a loooooooong comment.. Daisychain you crack me up. I bet.

    Vintage Lover: thank you but they're HEDVIG's SHOES. HEDVIG's. And as I wrote in the post, they're Acne. Aren't they lovely indeed!

  9. love these shots. the girl in the first couple photos is stunning. i absolutely love the combination of colours and the shape of that jacket. also, hedvig looks gorgeous. i absolutely adore that camel coat.

    totally agree with you about the combination of colours. very good mix. it's funny how simple old school things can suddenly feel so right. like faded blue jeans, camel and court shoes. xx

  10. Couldn't agree more about denim, it's a definite go-to for casual chic. And Hedvig always looks so ultra glam and fantastic, even in her ripped jeans. Great shots x

  11. Sorry for not commenting lately! I feel so bad! I've ill, then had to finish a project, then I wasn't in the mood to write...
    About the strike... I'm so in!! Every time I hear tube strike I feel sick! I have to walk from Charing Cross to Baker Street.
    ps I love Hedvig's acne heels!


  12. haha, you are so witty!
    i am gushing over hedvig's acne shoes. i am so attracted to the aesthetic of that label, yet own nothing by them. yet.
    as a matter of fact, i adore everything hedvig is wearing- she is simply gorgeous and i think i want her wardrobe. or at least the shoes...oh, and the camel coat.
    first girl: i love her jacket and the pants' silhouette, or what we see of it. she's amped it up nicely with a blue denim shirt.

  13. wow. great casual and stylish looks, i really like the way you have teamed up jeans with shirts and coats, looks very cool and stylish

  14. love the first outfit.. very nice blue jean with that's jacket. so stylish..

    camel and black with hot pink? wow that's bold!


  15. Oh! How I love those Acne heels... They will remain a dream!

