
fun fun fun

If you're reading this somewhere on the Northern Hemisphere, and you're not near the equator, chances are your fashion concerns these days are about keeping warm. It's actually snowing today in London - which never happens - and all I want to wear are my new gifted Mou boots and layers and lots of white. So while I'm safely tucked indoors with the cat, under the duvet, going through hundreds of press day photos, I can't get the song FUN FUN FUN by the Beach Boys out of my head. It's the theme song to the website of the designer of the shoes, KATIA LOMBARDO, featured in this post, for next season that I fell in love with at My Wardrobe's fabulously fun press day last week. Click here and keep that window open while you read this: I promise you'll be singing this song all day.

Just because it's cold out - or, actually, BECAUSE it's cold out - I'm craving the chocolate brown/black/white/bits of hot pink/lime green/turquoise accents of summer and sun. I want to wear this strapless Dolce & Gabanna swimsuit with Katia's crazy heels and big sunglasses and sun hats and lounge by a pool at a resort. The reality is of course I'd be IN the pool or the sea, not wearing any of the above accessories apart from swim goggles, my hair would be all wet and ungroomed and the chlorine and/or sea water would be eating the above mentioned D&G swimsuit. But still: it's fun to think about.

The other girl in these shots - besides me - is TALA SAMMAN, of MyFashDiary, and we met her at the My Wardrobe thing as she was leaving - we were with Susie and they were chatting and Jen & I started snapping her like we were papparazzi, going crazy for her hot pink Lanvin necklace she'd just bought @ H&M (her puffa jacket is Juicy Couture). I'll do another post of her soon - with a little online interview - and hopefully we'll meet up and do another shoot before she leaves for Dubai.

All the shoes shown here (apart from my lovely gifted Kurt Geiger's, top, and the lime suede DVF pair) are by KATIA LOMBARDO, available soon at MY WARDROBE (they've currently got S/S and A/W 2010).

THANK YOU SUSIE!! More to come xoxo

p.s. CORRECTION: Not all the shoes are Katia's - they're all at My Wardrobe - or will be - but apart from the nude heels with the kind of lizard/leopard heels, the other two - the boots with the great zig zag soles in camel, and in black, they're by the Danish designer CAMILLA SKOVAARD. I thought I could tell by the label but I no, I was wrong. Have you noticed there are some great FEMALE shoe designers moving up in the rank lately? You go, girls!


  1. Love her necklace. It's prob one of the only pieces I would have bought from the Lanvin x H&M collection.


  2. Love her shoes (Katia) - which coincidently I bought from my-wardrobe. I can't say the Lanvin necklace or accessories for H&M grabbed me at all - did like the dresses though. Is that you in the first shot? Where did you get the leopard coat?

  3. Hey V - (I'll put this on your blog too in case you don't happen to see this) - yes that's me in the top shot & the coat is from last year - MOTEL, £79.00 - still being sold: http://www.motelrocks.com/shop/products/Motel-Husky-Coat-%252d-Leopard-Faux-Fur.html

    I'm not kidding - it is the best thing in my wardrobe! It is SOOOOO warm, like being inside a giant teddy bear. I love it to bits. I've discovered there's also a white jacket that's pretty cool:

    http://www.motelrocks.com/shop/products/Motel-Madeline-Jacket-%252d-Cream-Faux-Fur.html (I'm really into white right now).

    Which KAtia shoes did you get from My Wardrobe?

    Thanks Jackie, and DeadDaisy, will have to check out your blog, I love that name.

  4. Is that you I spy in the first photo? Why yes, it is...in killer sexy-chic pumps!!
    Did I miss something- is that some type of delicious mojito-concoction?
    And yes, you would be IN the pool, not poolside. ;) In and out of the pool, that swimsuit would be gorgeous on you.

  5. well those kurt geigers look awful familiar, jill! hehe ;) x

  6. Wow, Jill, you look amazing in that first photo!! Those heels! Those legs!!

    As others have said, that's a pretty awesome necklace! :)

  7. What a beautiful girl with a beautiful smile. Pink seems just the right hot colour for the cold. And is this you wearing these HOT shoes, snapping away, leopard coat in arm? (Am I repeating myself here? Doesn't matter, one can never say too many beautifuls and hots). Somehow all I want to do now is go to Press Day after Press Day, where they hand out freebies and hot, beautiful shoes... xoxo

  8. Great blog! Hot self-portrait there! Want your killer heels! The swimsuit, necklace and yummy looking refreshing beverage shown, makes me want to sing "we need a little summer" in lieu of the "Need a little Christmas" song from the musical "Mame" that is playing on "Songs of the Season" now. Brights are so cheering in drab, chilly weather!

  9. I absolutely adore the necklace! The shoes you are wearing in the first picture are equally amazing!


  10. I've said it before and I'll say it again...WOW you have fantastic legs! And I love those shoes!! :) Stay warm!

  11. oh my god those lime green suede DVFs are to die for, I'm such a sucker for weird colored shoes :D

  12. I like YOUR shoes! How do you manage to wear such slim heels, I know I couldn,'t, hehe. By the way, when you mentioned the song "fun, Fun, Fun" I thought it was this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dxKP8qVdVM&feature=related It's been stuck on my head ever since they started playing this TV commercial. I looked up the one you were talking about in YouTube.

    I want to try that cocktail: It looks like a modern version of a Mojito :P.
