

This is a fairy tale. And yet, a true story. It is a story of sunglasses, and of Barcelona. Specifically, ETNIA BARCELONA.

Suggested viewing instructions:

While reading this post, you perhaps might want to do what I'm doing while composing it: click on the video below:

There. All settled in? Feeling nice and warm? Okay, good. Here's the story:

Back last June, I did my first and so far only give-away: a PR company that represents an eyeglass company called ETNIA BARCELONA got in touch and offered me a pair of sunglasses to give away. It was the most confusing exchange that went on forever, it seemed: were they offering me a free pair, too?

Turns out they were. I did my post. Chose my winner: Laura, of no blog, and this was her reason:

"Your photos are always so inspiring...I love my daily dose of Polka Dot Pics!

Hmm, I love the Chelsea glasses.

I think I should win because:
1. I've just finished a (very) stressful 2nd year at The London College of Fashion
2. I have to wear glasses on a regular basis, I do wear contacts sometimes though
3. I had my new Gucci glasses stolen from me when I was at The Wireless Festival...:( And they were very beautiful indeed!"

I assume she got her sunglasses and she was happy.

(Speaking of give-aways: I am five away from 1500 followers. I want to give #1500 a give away. Any suggestions?)

As for me, I chose 'Le Morne' and gave them my postal address. But they were out of stock. Meanwhile we were going on holiday for a month. They couldn't post them. I eventually got them at the end of the summer.

And this is where the fairy tale aspect comes in. Which fairy tale was it when she has to give the wicked witch her first born son? Or did I dream that? Anyway... time passed and I was caught up with London Fashion Week, and the Press Week that lasted over a month (it's still going on, but I'm giving up) and I've been getting emails asking when I'm going to post about the Etnia sunglasses. And I had already done two posts on how wonderful the sunglasses were - before I had received them!

This is the question I pose to you, my fellow bloggers: are you torn about the issue of getting free stuff and the etiquette of posting about it? I mean, most of the PR companies that I like and actually know (verses the ones who just treat me like a number and send me photos of celebrities wearing their clients' clothes).. well, that's WHY I like them. There is no pressure. They're not expecting anything from me. Which is why, in turn, I post about their clients stuff. Because I TRULY LIKE IT.

I need to say this: I don't get paid to do this. Sometimes I get free stuff, but very rarely. And you know every time I do, because I tell you. Full disclosure. I am not a number, I am a free agent, and I am not selling out to The Man, and I never will.

That said: I do LOVE these sunglasses. (So does Mr. Dot: he said they're my best pair: if you click on Sunglasses go to Le Morne). And I love the website and I've grown very fond of Carole, who has become like a pen pal and has been very patient about it, and has given me a deadline: end of this week. I don't know about you, but I love deadlines. Actually.. to be totally honest, I loved homework. I'm just that type of girl, I guess.

So there you go. The song is over. Buy the sunglasses. Go to Barcelona. Stay at the OMM hotel, where I took these pictures. And no, they didn't pay me: they don't even know I'm talking about them. The guy in the shots kept asking me to take pictures of him and his 'sister' and gave me his email address but when I sent him the shots I never heard back. Well, who knows, maybe someday out of the blue, they will send me their first born son. In which case, I will do a post about it.

It's all so Barcelona!



    Thank you so much Jill! It was worth waiting for :-))



  2. Well you've been so patient and sweet about it Carole. THANK YOU! xxx

  3. I love these sunglasses & I want to go to Barcelona now. x

    (it's Amy x)

  4. great blog!and the photo material is simply gorgeous!

  5. thankyou so much- i am so fed up of people talking about snow. More on sunglasses/summer related headwear? x

  6. LOL And what would you do if they ACTUALLY gave you their firstborn?? ;-) Really though, your stories always have a kick of humor - love it :)

  7. You brought a smile to my face, as usual. I love reading your blog!

  8. Thanks, Caryn, Marie, DeadDaisy, Amy.. Adrielle, what would I do? Hmm, good question. Probably first off, burp the thing, then check if it had a poopy diaper.. then figure out whether to dress it in pink or blue. Beyond that.. haven't a clue.

  9. omggg.....love this one!! love the shots you've taken....awesomee
