
like some kind of crazy DIY

Jennifer spotted these sunglasses with her keen Crusader X-Ray vision at River Island's press day. 'It's like some crazy DIY project, where you just glue everything on', she said and that seemed the theme of the day. What fascinates me is the crossover influence from people like Shini, who took an ordinary vintage pleated skirt and turned it into something extraordinary with the use of one or two cleverly placed, tiny gold ordinary household safety pins, or Moschino (at My Wardrobe's unbelievably wonderful press event) making a beautiful collar of gold - very Nerfettiti - using the same safety pins.

Shini's gorgeous buttery soft palest salmon pink biker jacket is by DLUX. In case you were wondering.

The excellent seared tuna nicoise was at My Wardrobe, as was the top necklace with coins (sorry I forgot who made it and they're moving offices today! It's made of real coins, some even seem to have Jewish stars on them) but I do know the bracelet, above 2nd from last shot, is by the wonderfully talented Lucy Hutchings, represented by Robinson Pfeffer and available at My Wardrobe soon (some of her other designs here). And back full circle to Jen in another wacky pair of sunglasses from River Island, and the most gorgeous sixties inspired minidress, also by Moschino, also at My Wardrobe (coming soon: this is for spring - but I'd wear it now!)

Shini is wearing: Pink leather biker jacket from LUPHIA (it's on sale - only £42!), shoes from Zara, pleated dress - which she DIY's with pins for that effect - by storets.com.

Thank you for your lovely Thanksgiving wishes and comments yesterday! How was your Thanksgiving, if you partake? Our was lovely, like a little Alice in Wonderland tea party Thanksgiving: everything in miniature (roast garlic chicken: turkey for two people, and a cat, seemed excessive) apart from the stuffing. You can't make a small amount of stuffing and besides, why would you want to? Stuffing is such an amazing invention. It's like DIY: throw everything you love together, and bake.


  1. I didn't know you were allowed to celebrate a yankee holiday in the U.K. Jill! Happy T-day to you then.

    Love so many of the pics above and the explosion of DIY influences on fashion these days. Ah, what good times we live in.

    Hugs to you, Bella Q

  2. Aw, your thanksgiving sounds AMAZING

  3. wow the photos are so cute and fun!
    thanks for having such a great blog
    happy weekend

  4. These are amazing- the glasses are so inspiring! I want to make my own!

  5. ok, i'm new here but i've already added your blog to my fave ones :) the point is that my first comment will be quite stupid - I very much like the shoes of the girl in pink jacket (Jennifer?).
    Could you write me which shoes are those?
    Thanks and promise to write something less silly next time ;)

  6. cool stuff. the sunglasses are something else! what fun.
    our holiday was small, too. 3 people (my bro-in-law was there) plus dog: smoked duck w/ apricot orange rum glaze, dressing, brussels sprouts salad w/ creamy dressing, sweet potato pear pie and ice cream....mostly everything was in miniature for us, too. except the pie. i accidentally made 2 of them. ;)

  7. Creativity is never ending! I love what people come up with, it's just amazing sometimes!!

  8. Thank you. Stephanie that meal sounds gorgeous: we have wild ducks in the freezer and I'd love to get that recipe. Kate I can't find a blog to reply on but the girl in the pink jacket is the wonderful Shini of Park & Cube and I'll ask her where she got the boots: we've been seeing a lot of each other recently and so much was going on I forgot to ask! I asked where she got the jacket and she said it was a gift. I mainly focused on the pin thing she did with her skirt (when she got up from lunch, Kit pointed like her skirt was stuck in her knickers but she said 'no it's meant to be like that').

    Thanks Adrielle, Kate, Kate, Laura/Daisychain, Ediot.. Bella they kind of let us, they simply do not mention it at all anywhere - nothing in the press - and they make sure the supermarket shelves are not stocked with turkeys, pumpkins, they usually run out of fresh cranberries but they had some in early for THEIR Christmas, and of course, the big thing is they make sure there is no Libby's canned pumpkin anywhere in sight. I swear, I think they put it in a back room til Thanksgiving is over and then take it out. Hence Mr. Dot being the hero and going to Whole Foods, an American based company.

    Adrielle it's so true: creativity is never ending!! xx

  9. Jill, I'm just now catching up on my blogs. I just love, love, love this post. And even the title is so ... true and fun. You know I would love crazy DIY post. I just recently "discovered" Lucy Hutchings from Daniela's blog (Couture and Crumpets) and am on LOVE with her jewelry. It's like you said looks like some crazy DIY but in a really good way.
    That last photo gives me DIY goosebumps. So many ideas. My DIY wheels are just a spinnin' crazy right now. Thank you for such a thrilling post! getting adrenaline rush just from looking at your pictures! LOL
