
this is what i mean

I love the little conversation that sprung up around my recent 'Ooh la la' post: it's nice to see I'm not the only one who's got this male/female style thing running as a theme in my head. (Don't even get me started on the 'something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue' one). It's not just masculine feminine: it's mixing old and new, hard and soft, dressing it up and dressing it down. In some ways, it's become so mainstream - I mean, the obvious one that I'm seeing everywhere - that still works so beautifully - is throwing a leather biker jacket over a flirty girly dress or skirt. Everyone's rocking that trend.

But I happened - by accident - to stumble on this shot of my friend Natalie Hughes, of Canned Fashion, who I first met last February at London Fashion Week, and I feel this is a perfect example of getting that balance right, in a uniquely original way.

Natalie is the most amazing young woman. I mean, really polite, generous spirited, kind, smart, pretty.. she seems like someone who will be famous one day, and old women like me will say 'I knew it the minute I met her.' Like a young Ali McGraw, or Audrey Hepburn, Jackie Kennedy.. she's just got that quality.

When I met her she was working somewhere else, but now she's at Net a Porter. And her job sounds fascinating, she's so busy but clearly loving it. I hate when people say that phrase 'you're such a star' but there is something about her that just shines so bright.


  1. I've been obsessing with leather jacket over something girly myself but the thing is, the weather here in the tropics would create a laughing stock out of me if I do wear something leather, except for shoes of course. Hahaha! Natalie is so pretty and you're right, she looks like a star. Have a great day Jill!

    And yes, finally I'm back!

  2. Awww Jill, you have just made me smile from ear to ear! You're too kind, really, but what a lovely mid-week confidence boost! The feeling is definitely mutual - which is why we need to see each other more often than the shows happen! Hummingbird Bakery cupcakes soon? II just got your email - let me know if your plans fall through, otherwise we really must catch up soon (and I'm not just saying that!).


  3. Jill, I follow Natalie now thanks to you! You are right there is something special about her. You know what I like the most about the picture in this post? Pairing that gray shirt with the gorgeous fancy-shmancy necklace. I used to avoid gray shirts b/c thought they looked too casual, but now I find myself looking for them to pair with more dressy items. I am totally with you about mixing things. I like dressy/casual and tough/delicate combos. I hope soon i can wear my lace dress with some heavy coat a la Burberry look.

  4. the first thing i noticed were her eyes...and then that incredible necklace!

    i read leah's comment, and had to smile, for i know exactly where she's coming from wanting to wear leather in the tropics...leah, wear it anyway! i got a few cheeky comments wearing boots or leather jacket on tortola but i did not care. (ok, it WAS "winter", and it was at night, so i felt it was semi-appropriate.)

    i think, jill, what we are talking about being drawn to is basically this: contrasts. contrasts create interest, visual and otherwise. and clearly, this makes for good blogging conversation.


  5. Love that huge necklace! Jill did you see the collection of shirts by Henry Holland which had the OLD, NEW, BORROWED, BLUE on them? My mum bought a set for me, my dad and my brothers, I got 'borrowed' I will have to show it on the blog, but is is also ironic in a way as it is a mens shirt so 'borrowed' is quite apt!

  6. really bizarre. i don't even know natalie in real life but i absolutely adore her. i discovered her through a post you did from FW in february. she had a bright coat on... was it pink? green? something statement. i discovered her blog, became an instant follower... started following her on twitter.... and somehow feel like i know her, even though we've never met. i absolutely adore her style. saw her pop up in grazia last week and felt so excited for her. i think she's an absolute gem and really love her style.

    p.s. gorgeous photo & i want to be involved in that hummingbird cafe meetup please. xx

  7. love her necklace!
    come follow xo

  8. Like many of the people who have commented here, I have started following Natalie since this post.

    I love her laid-back style with a touch of dressy - very French - I think! Tres chic laissez-faire, if you will.

  9. Welcome back Leah! ; )

    Thanks girls.. virtual Hummingbird meetup plan, I love it. Yes let's!!

