
birds in flight

Getting airborne is easy, it's landing on ice that's the hard part.

Shot at Hampstead Heath on Sunday. Thank you, Mr. Dot, for the top shot. I'm wearing my new gifted Mou Mou boots - they are soooooo comfortable and warm - H&M nude leggings over Uniqlo hypo tech whatever they're called tights, my same old Motel Rocks faux fur leopard coat which goes with everything, black Wayfarers by Ray Ban (they're vintage cause I've had them forever), faux fur scarf is Zara and about five years old, and I'm wearing two different gloves cause I lost one from each pair. Bi colour gloves, I've decided, are my winter variation on bi-colour nail varnish.


  1. Lovely shots. Looks like it's freezing in London too. We've got - 10°C here, but due to the storm it feels more like - 30°C.Yikes.

  2. Goodness the lake is frozen solid!
    Love your gifted Mou eskimo boots, goes well with your leopard fur coat.
    I'm still waiting for my biker style boots to arrive.

  3. Ooh you got the biker style? That was my next choice! It should come soon - they're pretty quick.

  4. I would loooooove to have those boots right now. They look so warm!! I'm absolutely freezing all the time. Even in bed with 3 blankets, socks and a jacket on I'm still freezing. xxx

  5. When I first looked at these photos I thought they might have been taken at Regents Park - as it looks incredibly similar. We went for a quick visit when we were down in London, and you can get so close to the birds! It was great for photos.. I managed to take a few with the little camera I was using at the time.
    Love your faux fur jacket - perfect for the weather we're having! My faux fur jacket has been very useful too.


  6. I was JUST talking to my friend about what ducks might look like when the lakewater freezes today. So weird, and bam! I see the pics here. Hahaa

    Those MouMous look soo good on you, not at all like the traditional ugg boots we all like to avoid. This one has a bit of alps cruiser (isn't that a name of a car...?) feel to it, so perfect for this cold!

  7. I just starting reading your blog and I love it.

    The leopard coat is amazing. And looks super cozy too!

  8. Oh how insanely snuggled up do you look?! LOVE it x

  9. What a fabulous series of photos Jill. You look so cosy and glamorous in your leopard and fur boots! Sometimes I love winter (cue gasps of horror!!), getting all wrapped up, getting some fresh air and pink cheeks...and then warming up by the fire.

    I've just seen you sent me an email, to which I'll reply, but for now, my next potential FFF is 17th Decemeber. It's earmarked for pre-Christmas shooting and last-minute shopping but I'd love to see you if you're free! x

  10. these pictures are great: birds are so cute!

  11. i have a uniqlo top, but i always wonder if they actually really work. every time i hear about people wearing them they always have either more than one layer of them on or just mega layers. i do question their adverts of someone walking in a snowy new york with a heattech top on and a light trench.

    slippy pigeon!

  12. I hadn't seen that advert. Yeah, I wouldn't advise that either. I mean, it's not a 'miracle fibre' as in miraculous!

    I've wondered from the start if it's psychological. THEN I wondered if I accidentally wore the fibre that's meant to keep you cool, by mistake. I'm still not sure which one I have. In any case, the same old rules apply:

    hat. gloves. boots. heavy coat. layers.

    Thanks all! xx

  13. They look so cute in the background! If only i didn't have a little bit of a fear with birds...I always think they're out to get me and start flapping at my face!

