
the ghosts of christmas past

Isn't it funny how, once Christmas is over, it's like, over?

This is the post I meant to have up, pre-posted, for you to see bright and sunshiney early on Christmas morning. We live in London, and there is a pub near us called the Hereford Arms, and when I went to get more white envelopes for my homemade snowflake individually cut Christmas cards at our favourite family run stationary shop, the wife told me that the Hereford Arms had this great big snowman outside.

So I shot it and had this post all ready, but the morning we were leaving for Herefordshire, where the Dots-in-Law reside, I didn't get a chance to post, what with bringing the cat and all the stuff. And then the Mum-in-Law forgot her Wifi secret password, and the Cafe Nero in town's Wifi was too complicated... so here we are.

Better late than never.

Altho, perhaps not. Perhaps I should have saved it for next year.

I was considering not even posting these shots but then I realised: poor Mr. Snowman is probably all melted now and all we have is the memories. Which, if you think about it, is all we ever have, I guess.

So Happy Belated Christmas, whether you partake or not, just wishing that wherever you are, whatever you're doing, on these last hours of 2010 you're feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed.


  1. I'm glad you posted these photos Jill, there is something about them that is so captivating.

    Wishing you the most wonderful new year,
    thank you for being such an amazing and supportive friend x

  2. Ah, the last few days of the year always feel so strange. Don't feel too bright eyed or bushy tailed at this particular moment. I'm trying to enjoy the last few days of holiday but seem to be subconsciously stressing about what's to come in 2011... I've got a to-do list that seems to keep growing. Maybe it's better to look back and be thankful for what 2010 brought instead of looking forward with trepidation. Although, I'm sure 2011 will bring loads of joy right along with it.

    Sending love from Sweden. xx

  3. seasons greetings!

    ah this is the good stuff, mr snowman would have melted all the way down the street but i bet he still looked happy

  4. What a handsome snowman :) Happy New Year Jill, may it be filled abundantly with joy and new opportunities!

  5. you can always post it again next year. what a cute snowy fella!

    happy 2011 to you Jill of the Polka Dot.
