
revenge of the killer ducks

Granted, I know I 'should' be posting about what to wear to New Year's Eve parties - and I haven't shown you any London streetstyle in a coon's age (what's the point: there is currently no one on the streets here in South Ken, and in the West End everyone is a tourist) and I know that every time I post something that's not style related, I lose a few followers, but I can't help it: I can't think of anything that any designer could create that is more magnificent than the feathers on a live duck's back.

(Actually... to tie in this post with something style related, as per Pearl's suggestion, and as coincidentally Roz mentioned in an email - bizarrely coincidental, as it was also simultaneously - I suppose I could have tied it in with a be-featuered McQueen piece, but I do try to stick to the mostly pics by Polka Dot rule, so instead have included one of my favourites from the Archives: Leila, above, at my first London Fashion Week, September 2009).

We were in Ludlow, before meeting Roz and her family, and had asked a nice man on the street if it was safe to park where we did (it was) and he told us about the best hot chocolate in town, at the Green Cafe 'down past the castle, on the river' (more about the hot chocolate later). We had picked up a great free range chicken for Christmas at the butcher's, queuing outside the shop, and had found some amazing home made butter and tea cakes in the outdoors market, and.. well, I'm guessing these ducks aren't cannibals and were more interested in the bread than the chicken, but when he realised they were following him, we begged a stale half a loaf off the kitchen and that's when the feeding frenzy began.

My gifted boots that have got me thru December without catching the flu, by MOU. Duck feathers, Nature's Own.


  1. That is hilarious, I was going to ask what on earth those ducks were up to in the first photo!!
    Sod the 'lost followers' because they are not a loss at all if they cannot appreciate diversity nor take influence from nature. I mean it's not like you are about to walk into someone in a be-feathered McQueen piece to illustrate the ducks to fashion influence is it!

  2. Ah, good point, Pearly Pearl. Actuallly.... hang on, I must have a photo somewhere... aha! Found it. Will add with an 'inspired by Pearl' disclaimer. THANKS BABE! x

  3. Lovely pics, your camera is fab, the ducks are so cute! Have a great nye x

  4. Can't stop laughing at the poor freezing duck in the last picture, the duck looks tasty.

  5. That poor freezing duck was EATING MY MOU: It thought it was bread. Honestly, I didn't want to leave, I wanted to just buy the kitchen's whole bread selection and stay and feed them but it was time to meet Roz & co. for lunch.

    LaraLainThat'sMyName, thank you! Will check out your blog now. x

  6. A combination of some sweat pants and THIS headpiece would make my New Year's Eve. Inspiration is everywhere... xoxo

  7. Awe, so many ducks, haha! I didn't know they were strong enough to resist such low temperatures. Don't ducks migrate? Maybe the ones which are in London don't, because, let's face it, there's no other cooler city that London. And when I say "cooler", I'm not talking about temperature, hehe.

    By the way, yesterday I got the visa! :D We're SO happy! I think I'm flying in early February (really early, like the first or the second).

    Have a nice night, Jill!

  8. Posts like this would never make me UNfollow a blog, but rather follow it. I love these shots. Especially that last one.... it's just perfect in every way imaginable and brought a huge smile to my face.

    It sounds like your holiday was lovely, and memories like this are always unforgettable!

  9. Lovely photos - I keep gravitating back to the last one.

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  10. Oh, I love these - I can't believe how close they were to you!! :)) Glad to see you enjoying life so!

  11. I love your blog no matter what you post. It should be all about the fun for you, that's my opinion...

    happy new year!
    Cynthia in Seattle

  12. i love this!!
    some ducks once followed me and one got too close and nipped me on the leg! didn't hurt but sure surprised me. mr. odyssey, of course, thought it was hilarious.
    you're going to florida? (saw your comment on -h's blog.) awww! has it already been a year?! hard to believe. i hope you get to meet up.

  13. omg! i soo know what you mean re posting not fashion related stuff. My blog started as a random collection of photos and is now more streetstyle and every time i want to post some random photo i have to think twice.. one of the readers actually commented on it once saying "how come you have fashin-fashion-fashion-tree-fashion on your blog??" haha


  14. Ha! Sunday we should trade: I started out as strictly street style (before I knew how many other people are doing it) - that was even my blog name - and after two years of solidly 'working' away - I mean, it is WORK - I suddenly felt like, hey, that's two years of not getting paid to do it.. I'll still take photos of people on the street if/when I see them but there's so much more that catches my eyes. Like tree-tree-tree-fashion-tree.

    S: yes. Hopefully! Working o it.

    Cynthia: just left a comment - thank you.

  15. Those ducks have really made me chuckle! Thank you for sharing the images xxxx

  16. The last image of the duck earnestly attempting to nibble your boot made my day. I second those above, sometimes street style is broader than fashion on people. So glad you shared these photos!

  17. These photos are so cute! Thanks for the tip re the hot chocolate in Ludlow - we are thinking of checking Ludlow out tomorrow, whilst in Shropshire for the New Year :)

    Happy New Year Jill, xx
