
the empire strikes back

Thank you to everyone who's written privately or publicly re: ElleGate. I was feeling ready to throw in the towel and shut this baby down but the night before I got the bad news from Elle's lawyers, Mr. Dot and I happened to go to the Premiere for a new Martin Scorcese-produced series coming to Sky HD (Channel 108) called Boardwalk Empire. It stars three of my favourite actors: Steve Buscemi, Kelly Macdonald (she was great in the UK series State of Play) and a really cute Michael Pitt. It's just such a class production. Even Mr. Dot loved it, and he's more of a Wire type. (Shot these off the big silver screen).

AND I got to watch it sitting next to my lovely friend Carrie of WishWishWish, and we got the best goodie bag to view a film with: a bag of 'American style' (i.e. salted) popcorn and candy with the Sky logo and most of all, the show is absolutely amazing. They screened the first two episodes and the Dotster is fighting this flu bug so we had to leave before the 2nd, but I can't wait til it's on. Which is soon. My husband, typical guy, scoffed his candy all in one go, but I'm saving mine, as I'm a)a pack rat and b)sentimental.

Thank you to Leanne from Jam for inviting us and for choosing the greatest vintage aqua velvet hat: style post coming up soon!


  1. Sounded like an awesome evening!
    Forget Elle.es they just want to shut you up, they need to learn from their mistake.

  2. Well exactly: the only way they will learn from their mistake is if they can't shut me up. Great suggestion btw! I know you're so busy today so thanks for the gift of your time ; )

  3. Dont let them shut you up Jill, I dont know what their lawyer said but they have nothing on you, they are in the wrong!

  4. Remember what I said in my email! :)

    I'm a pack rat, altho coming to sweetie - down in one!! Carrie looks stunning AS ALWAYS!


  5. I was invited to this - I wish I'd known you and carrie were going, or I might have joined you! Oh well, I spent that evening watching the King's Speech, which was amazing! Have you seen it yet? and never mind, there's always a next time...
    I got a vintage Vogue from the lovely Leanne as part of their promo for Boardwalk Empire.

    Hope you and Kevin are both well. I've just read the emails about Elle hell, and I am just shocked! How rude and derogatory - I hope you keep on fighting, as it is wrong that the company should be allowed to get away with it. Where does that leave bloggers if photos can just be stolen?

  6. Well, just as I said in my email, fight on, we are on your side. They are and have done wrong and should admit it!

    Bad manners and breaking the law can't be overlooked in this case.

    This could be the precedent case for other bloggers and their treatment by the old world media. Stick it out. We're with you.

  7. Really excited to see this new show, i've only heard great things! I totally agree, salted popcorn is the best, plus i love it in America when you can taste the melted butter! Ahhh the calories....

  8. Oh I sooo want to know what's going on. and as a blogger who posts original content, I want to know why they think they can steal copyrighted material from you and misrepresent it? If they do this to you, who has some name for herself, what are they go to do to an even smaller blogger? We must nip this in the bud, Jill. Put me in the loop!
    the Citizen Rosebud

  9. Hiiiiii. I am so glad to have found you. A stylist and talented blogger from somewhere near me.. I just discovered your blog yesterday and read something about the ELLEHELL and I hope that everything works out and you get justice. I am a blogger from London and I have just started doing fashion posts. Check my blog out if you have time and do leave me some feedbacks.http://vol-lg.blogspot.com/
    Thank you.

  10. looks like great fun! will need to check it out. so what happened with elle in the end? what's teh outcome? cant believe lawyers got involved

