

We were walking thru Brompton Cemetary, Mr. Dot and I, and there was something about the light. I took out my camera, a bit blurred cause we were moving, but I was focused on the girl moving towards us, and all the birds on the lawn. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a runner passed by, and all the birds fled. The sound of their wings fluttering in the sky.

'Hurry up, Jill', said Mr. Dot.


  1. I adore the first photo, the birds are beautiful

    Hannah xx

  2. even though it's a cemetary, there is something about those photos that is hauntingly beautiful.

    Nesha x

  3. Jill, that top picture is divine! You take your camera everywhere with you, i need to start doing that!

    Good old Mr. D, another classic quote x

  4. oh, i love these photos. two of my favorite visuals are birds and cemeteries. seriously. i go around photographing charleston's old graveyards when i get the chance, and sometimes the pics end up on my art blog. birds are a bit harder to photograph.
    there's an edgar allan poe vibe to these photos. speaking of such things, did you know poe's birthday was yesterday, and i just found out that he spent time in the charleston area- well, actually sullivan's island, which is nearby. he even did some writing while he was in the neighborhood. anyway, bit of dark-side trivia for you. :)

  5. I love birds, it makes me laugh as you could do that in Manchester and the birds they wont be going nowhere, there are fear less LOL!

  6. Thank you. I was only going to put up the first photo, with no words, but you know me... chatty Cathy.

    Pearl I love the idea of Manchester bird with attitude. NY pigeons are a lot like that.

    Stephanie: I didn't know that about Poe's birthday! I wish I could re-name this post Poe but that would be cheating.

    Night night everyone: shutting this baby off and watching S&tC rerun. xx

  7. Oh, my! Amazing shots, Jill! So many birds!

    I'd never seen a cemetery like this one before. You get to see lots of tombstones in Japan, but nothing like this.

    Hope you're getting ready for the weekend! ;)



  8. What can I say the pic of the birds is fantastic!

  9. What a beautiful old cemetery, you were certainly in the right place at the right time to get these amazing shots:)

  10. Wow, what atmospheric photos. What a stunning photo op you stumbled upon. Love these! =)

  11. I don't know if it was because I couldn't find my glasses but when I looked at the first picture I couldn't work out what the strange flying forms were.....they almost looked like blobs of grey paint floating through the air....it was only upon closer inspection WITH glasses I realised they were pigeons...but I like both explanations...the real and the imagined :) x
