
everything is connected: marin monroe wears tali's hat

I love it when that happens: I took these shots of Marin, of the blog The Antithesis(I posted on her recently:'the gloves are off'), just before Christmas when I went back to Elizabeth Lau's pop up shop for the most magic tea party, something I've been wanting to post about for a while, and will. Then just before I posted these, I saw Tali in Style, and Marin cheerfully got bumped back. But lo! and behold. The same hat. I love when that happens. A much younger, ex boyfriend, Victor, from Soviet Georgia (who looked exactly like David Bowie in The Man Who Fell to Earth: natural auburn hair, and all) used to call that a meme: which according to wikipedia means 'disambiguation', or a term referring to 'a unit of cultural information transferable from one mind to another.'

But to me it means waking up one morning and you just feel like wearing a plum coloured bowler hat.

Actually, Marin is one of those rare creatures that can wear several hats: she's currently juggling college, working as an editor for LDN fashion, and as she just mentioned in passing, has just become 'a model'. She's also really really nice and when recently someone tried to rip her to shreds online she was just so cool and philosophical about it all. I really admire someone who can brush off slights with such grace. Oh and another thing I really like about her is she doesn't need to spend a king's ransom to express her own style.

Marin is wearing: Hat: Urban Outfitters, Sheer Shirt: Romeo & Juliet Couture, found in TK Maxx, Faux Leather Trousers: Primark, Boots: also Primark, Jewellery: All urban outfitters or vintage.


  1. everything about this outfit is great!!! the plum color, the layering of sheer, pops of fur, skinny jean ... and pale pink lips!!!

    happy new year! and hope you got my email, xx

  2. what a fantastic outfit. and she looks so stunning
    thanks for sharing

  3. Love Marin's style and - as you say - love that she doesn't spend a lot to look fabulous. This is my kind of style :)

  4. I love the mix of that scarf with the sheer shirt. It's such a simple outfit but so well put together. xxx

  5. Love your pics.... your bracelet is very funky!

  6. Love Marin's style. I just recently started following her.

    thanks for your comments! you probably visited b/c of my silly comment about my Annie Lennox CD at Walmart? LOL

  7. love your blog!!
    Just a quick question... how did you get the pictures to be so big? I am using the new Blogger template and cannot seem to work things!!:(


  8. Soccer Mom: YES!!! You're right. And also just.. because. How psychic.

    Friedia: I hope you see this - I use HTML code and upload to Photobucket rather than just Blogger, and if you email me (jill@haybooks.com) I'll talk you thru it. If I don't hear from you I'll find you via your blog - and thank you btw. ; )

    (this is Jill btw: I just forgot to log in first).
