
seeing the light

I woke up this morning with an image in my head. And all day I've been following a train of thought.. Okay, let me back up.

On New Year's Eve, we knew for a while that our plan was to go to our friends' house for a small dinner party. They live nearby so we didn't have to deal with driving, but the host (husband) got the flu and instead we stayed home, wore PJ's, and ate in (Wasabi sushi and noodles take away for me, leftover stew and twice baked souffled potatoes for Mr. Dot - his favourite). Just as I was serving him, the steam rising caught the light and I made him get up from the chair as I ran to get the camera. He was like 'what the f*** are you doing' but that's the thing about photography: it's all about the light, and capturing the moment.

That's what drew me in, initially, about 'street style' shooting, when I started my blog. The chance encounters, the magic of coincidence of turning down one street and meeting someone who might even end up becoming a friend, or at the very least, a great subject for a post, and knowing that had I turned down another street I'd never have seen them.

And when it comes to shooting fashion outside, it's all about the light: take for example these two different shots, on the same day, of Georgie. Bright light is too harsh, I love the soft grey light.

It's random that Georgie and Tali are wearing similar flower prints in these shots. I love that kind of weird connection/coincidence tho. And all day this thought seemed somehow more profound but it really is that simple: being a photographer is simply about remembering to take you camera when you walk out the door (that, and either charging it, or if you shoot in film, bringing a spare roll). Apart from that, it's just a question of turning down the right corner, keeping one's eyes open, and hoping the light is right.


  1. So beautifully put, Jill! I couldn't agree more.

    The shots of both are so gorgeous. I absolutely love the purple hat!


  2. Love these pics, they all look really professional. You've reminded me I need a decent camera, I take all my pics with my phone at the mo x

  3. Wonderful pictures & I love the soft grey light, too. Actually, I love any light - it makes the mood, no? xoxo

  4. What you said about grey light being better for shooting has also been my experience. In the islands, you know how exquisite and sparkling the light is! However, I had ongoing issues trying to take photos of people and my art. Much easier in diffused light conditions.

    Tali's lipstick hue, skin tone and hat color make a very pleasing and interesting combo.

  5. thank you. i'm always rushing out the door and forgetting my camera and then kicking myself when i see something amazing... x

  6. I admire your confidence Jill. I've wanted to do streetstyle shots for ages and lack of a good camera has been the obstacle. Now I have a good camera and not the confidence to shoot streetstyle! Crazy. Maybe that's a new years resolution right there. Love the picture of the rising steam. You were right to delay dinner for it! xx


  7. Hey Jill, I'm such a fan of yours now. I have just seen the notice you have on the right of your site, about the lawyer, the advances on this story and all. I am so happy things ARE happening and if you need anything, if there's anything I can do to spread the word, or anything else, let me know. I'm rooting for you and your talent in 2011 :)

  8. Really nice outfit! and the hat is lovely!

  9. Thank you.. some of you are new to me, I'll check out your blogs & try to reply to you individually (that's MY New Year's Resolution but I know I won't be able to, but at least it's a step in the right direction).

    But thank you especially what you said, Fashion Limbo, and Alexis in case you don't see this I'll comment again on your lovely blog but I think that's a great New Yrs resolution. The funny thing is, my very first street style shoot happened to be in Brighton, two years ago possibly to this very day. It was right after New Year's Day, and was absolutely freezing, and I noticed that more girls in Brighton were wearing bright colours than in London.

    (And for what it's worth: it does take a certain amount of courage. I haven't been doing it much lately and feel like I'm starting all over again. It's like I just have to take a deep breath and close my eyes and just jump in. Once you get started, you'll see: you kind of get aggressive if you find someone with great style. But lately it's like I can't get the words out to ask someone, and I just let them go).

    And Stephanie, Sabine... I can feel a whole next post coming up - I so agree, soft light is great in some ways but there's so many wonderful kinds of light: dawn. Twilight. The harsh noon day sun, especially in a hot, dry climate: the bold colours and stark white of stucco and the crisp black shadows... and the sparkle and golden warmth of light coming at a certain angle on late afternoon sun.. it's all a question of the right moment and the right light for that moment.

    Okay, I'll shut up now ; )

  10. Jill, get back down here for some shooting! The Brighton crowd never disappoints! xx
