
the god of new beginnings

Okay, I've been trying for the past day or so to word this post the way I want, and I can't. I also wanted to call it 'prints charming' because I'm really into prints lately, and because of the charm bracelet, but when I went to link Roz's blog (because, if you are new, this is Roz: it's from the same 20 second 'shoot' we did after lunch in Ludlow because her dad was so ill he was turning green, but Roz and I couldn't say goodbye without doing a little photo shoot - after all she was dressed so beautifully) and when I came to her blog I saw her current post ('Now and then') besides being so gorgeous and based on her grandmother which her mum has told me about - she sounds fascinating - and in it she said the origin of word 'January' which is taken from the the Roman God 'Janus' - God of gates, doorways and new beginnings.

So that is my post title.

As for the charm bracelets: back when Roz was in the hospital, Pearl - who I have not yet actually met, and neither has Roz, but who has the most generous soul, who is the loveliest woman in every way - said that she was putting together a get well package for Roz, which inspired me to do the same. In Pearl's gift for Roz was this charm bracelet. Roz told me she loved it so much when she saw it, she felt like it was made for her, but then she couldn't believe that it really was made for her.

Anyway my head is feeling stuffy and I can't really think straight but I've waited long enough to post this. There are more shots I want to show you but at least this is a start.

Roz is wearing: Charm bracelet custom made by Pearl of Fashion Pearls of Wisdom, Kangol fur hat, her mum's boots (I'll show you the great satchel in a future post) and the amazing cape is reversible and cost her only £2.50 at a thrift shop. (More about her outfit in her post: 'red minidress...'). This girl has the Midas touch, but it's because she knows what she likes and keeps her eyes open. It's funny: the day we were meeting for lunch, I had my camera out but didn't see anyone I particularly wanted to street shoot, and as she and her (equally beautiful) mum came towards me, I was about to ask to shoot them when I realised it was them.

Anyway, I'll shut up now. My new year's resolution was to write shorter posts but I'm too tired and pre flu-ish to be succinct. Gonna go to sleep and nip this in the bud.


  1. Roz looks so gorgeous doesn't she, she reminds me of the Snow Queen illustrated book I had as a child where they all wore Russian hats and hand muffs to skate.

    Get some rest and a hot toddie to flight off that flu xx

  2. Hope you feel better soon!! Roz looks graceful as ever :)

  3. Roz looks beautiful, you take her shot so perfectly. She reminds me of Eva Green, can you see it? Just lovely. x

  4. Before I even read Pearl's comment I was going to say that Roz looks like a Russian Princess with that beautiful fur hat, coat and Russian inspired charm bracelet. Love those nesting dolls and tea kettle charms.

  5. I love that kind of bracelets. And yes, Pearl has such a great heart for sending her that package. It's great to know that there are so many wonderful people in the world. Roz is beautiful. xxx

  6. Happy 2011 dear Jill***
    I totaly agree with the Soccer Mom Style comment about Roz, her face seems so sweet,a classic beauty of some russian romance :-)
    Kind regards xxx

  7. What beautiful photographs! I love that cape. I think I might need to get one soon.


  8. Roz is beautiful and how lovely of the darling Pearl to be so thoughtful, she really is a sweetie xx

  9. This girl is beautiful! I really like the bracelet!

  10. Roz is utterly gorgeous,

    Happy New Year Jill x

  11. I love her cape and bracelet plus Roz is stunning! Hope you had a great NYE and that the flu doesn't take hold!

  12. Hope you feel better soon!! Love your post today & Roz's retro Russian look. The charm bracelet is divinely charming! ;0

  13. Thank you all! Roz & her family are away, I'm sure she'll be pleased as punch to see this when she's back. Feeling better thanks - nipped it in the bud - must have been your collective get well thoughts. xx

  14. Thank you so much to Jill for your wonderful post & to the above commenters too!

    Jill, I especially love the last portrait - you do have a unique ability to capture a person and their character. And that cape one is so lovely. Looking at the photos, it seems surreal to think that we had that much snow. Once it's gone it feels like it was never there. I agree with Pearl above, I did feel like I needed ice skates and a fur hand muff! And I love the close ups of the charm bracelet. I am just about to go over to Pearl's blog to thank her personally.

    I found out the story behind my grandma's suit, which I will just have to post - and if not I'll email it to you as it is fascinating.


  15. Wow.. Roz has something so haunting about her eyes. I cant stop looking at her. Stunning! You've captured her eyes so well!!
