
tali's in style!

When I met Tali in September, I didn't know 'who she is' (Annie Lennox's younger daughter, after Lola) and a real rising star as a model. I just thought she was really sweet, and I took a few shots and she used mine as her facebook portrait and friended me.

So lo and behold, what a treat to be lying in bed with the cat and Mr. Dot on Day Two of 2011, reading my favourite Style section in the Times, drinking coffee, and who should I see in a feature as the next rising star, but Tali Lennox! She's the new face of Topshop and Burberry and my new New Year's Resolution is do to a fashion shoot with her.


  1. How cool. She's stunning. Love her hat and top.

  2. She looks absolutely stunning. and i'm truly amazed by your photography. peeping in here is a joy.


  3. how exciting! Your photo is beautiful, as is she!

  4. I've had my eye on tali and lola ever since they were interviewed in teenvogue , they re both amazing! So glad to hear tali is working for topshop, good luck for your resolution! xx

  5. I like anyone who can wear a hat with flair :) I've been an admirer of her Mum for many many years and it's interesting to see that her daughter has as striking a face...I'm usually put off when someone or something is labelled as "the next big thing" or something like that but in this case I think she just might be....
    Jules x

  6. that's very cool! she looks so lovely. x

  7. I'm getting more passionate about photography, specially to "freeze" these little special moments when I see something or someone who amazes me.
    I didn't know who Tali was until I read this post, she looks like a sweet girl and if you photograph her I would love to see the photoshoot.

  8. She is beautiful. I love Annie Lennox! I have Eurythmics CD in my car and my kids' favorite song is Missionary Man. Except instead of "I was born an original sinner" they think she sings "I was born in original city". I just left it at that.
    Can you believe that when I was looking for their CD at Walmart two people were trying to help me and I was amazed they said they never heard of them or Annie Lennox!!!!! And I don't think it was my accent b/c I even kept spelling it to them. One was younger girl, and the other (manager!) was an older man. I wanted to shout at them "Are you kidding me????!!!! I even loved them in Georgia when music like that was not freely available there!!!! And you live in a free country and never heard of Annie Lennox??????!!!!!!"

  9. It's a stunning natural image and I know, no, I am certain, you will be able to shoot her during this year. You have the talent, you just need to make your paths cross again ;)

  10. Beautiful photo!

    I love reading your blog, your posts are so inspiring.

