

When I was a baby, I used to break out in a rash whenever we visited a couple who were friends of my parents in college. They could never get to the bottom of what caused it because she kept like a really clean house. Turns out - she kept it so clean because she was always screaming, and I was allergic to screaming. True story.

Then when I was a teenager, my best friend decorated her room - which was actually kind of a wing/extension of their house - in all gothic red and black. It just freaked me right out. Her mum, come to think of it, was a screamer, too. Ever since then - or maybe I've always been this way - I just don't really like red and black. And this season at LFW, there was a lot of it.

There was also a lot of drama. It was a full moon, and all these females, tensions running high, lack of sleep.. I think after my love affair with all that is fashion week, this time I really did see the underbelly of the beast. It wasn't remotely the BFC's fault: they were AMAZING, and everyone was just so lovely and so chilled. I blame it on high concentrations of estrogen. That's why I preferred hanging around with the blokes in the world of the photographers - people like Gigi, the big Italian guard (everyone in that room seemed to be speaking Italian, apart from Will, the most chilled out guy I've ever known).

I can't tell you how many times I'd politely talk to a stranger - maybe a blogger who seemed new to the experience, or just, you know, asking if I was in someone's way, whatever, and they'd say 'you're the first person who's been nice to me all day.' Even two of the sweetest girls I know, who never fight, had their moments: but they did resolve their differences. We all did, by the end. The majority of my experience was unbelievably wonderful, but there was this undercurrent of Black Swanism pervading the week. Or so it felt to me at the time. By the end, in hindsight, it was a wonderful week, and I can't wait to do it again.

And yet, even blokes had their moments: it was just moments before Ashish was starting, and the first time I was shooting at the 'mouth' of the catwalk, along with a lot of friends, old and new. Adam, a sweet photographer and blogger, and I were sharing the best, front, spot. Just before it started, someone saw a big bloke park his butt down in both our spots. She tried to stop him but he told her to F off.

Then Adam tried. He was shouting - this was all, it turned out, in front of the Live Streaming camcorder - and I could see this was gonna turn into a pub brawl, spilling on the catwalk where models were about to emerge andy second. They were already pulling the stuff off the catwalk. So - because I'm only scared of angry women, not men - I intervened. Literally. Sat down between them - he was shouting that he was going to get Adam thrown out of fashion week - and used myself as a human buffer. And that show was great, too. Brilliant. Can't wait to show you the shots, but in the meantime, these are more from KTZ. Just a few random shots, but I promise you more drama, coming up.


  1. HAHA I really enjoyed reading this. I didn't noticed the full moon... but that may explain a lot...

  2. wow :)))))))

    http://www.inablondeworld.net/ xx

  3. Wow - that's kinda crazy! I work in retail and we all dread the full moon when all the crazies come out in force! Who knew it could affect models too? ;)

  4. I find your reference to LFW having an undercurrent of 'Black Swanism' really interesting being a person who has never attend but would give anything to! Really enjoyed reading your account - very amusing and it is a real insight into how LFW really is. A lot of blogs just go on about how wonderful and lovely it all is but it obviously isn't - it's just the same as any other industry. Great post.

    Alexandra Thérèse xx


  5. I think that there is bullshit where ever you go and you're right sometimes you just can't escape it! Red and black has always seem pretty in your face to me, unless it is done colour blocked, either way it isnt one of my favourite combos, reminds me of 80s boys bedrooms all black grey and red!
    Thanks for you message, Im feeling a bit better, but nothing is stopping me from coming to next LFW, nothing!! x

  6. alexandratherese: I always has been for me, so far (wonderful and lovely) and this time it was possibly even more wonderful and lovely than ever before. But there was this.. maybe it's from the turmoil in the middle east, it's hard to explain but fashion weeks are very intense. All these people in one place, queuing, rushing... it's very much like flying somewhere, except the holiday lasts a few minutes. But it's the same stress of boarding a plane, and this element of tension and fear and then a kind of elation. I highly recommend it!

    Thank each of you. David I didn't realise Leomie was at Issa! I was there, I'll look thru her photos. What else was she in? I wonder if there's a list somewhere we can go to.

    Pearl: glad you're feeling better! Sending get well thoughts. xx

  7. I never much liked black and red either. It's kinda cheap, no? But these designs are GOOD. Maybe it's the intervention of white... And come to think of it, I don't like screamers either. (In fact the one time I spent the weekend at a 'screaming family' I took my duvet and fled). xoxo

  8. i so appreciated you stopping by and leaving that comment, you are so sweet.
    Your catwalk photos are brilliant. thanks a lot for sharing, what did tickle my fancy here are the accessories.- the big big bangles are so nice. i want something like that ASAP.
    wish you a great friday night


  9. I don't like the clothes, but I like your shots! Very interesting to hear what your experience was like.

  10. I really enjoy the stories you include. So much of fashion week coverage revolves around the clothes, but your accounts of the people are a bit more personal and humanizing. Thanks for sharing :)

  11. Cant wait to see the rest of your snaps. I really enjoyed these as well as your recaps!

  12. It's great hearing the reality of what sometimes can be sugar coated! Wearing red and black always makes me think I look like dennis the menace! Have a lovely weekend.

  13. I love these photos. Reminds me of Pippi Longstocking (in a good fun way).
    I had to laugh when you said you were not afraid of big screaming men, just screaming women. lol Me too! Angry women scare me; guys not so much.
    Thanks for expanding my vocabulary ;) I guess bloke is a fellow in British? I believe I've heard it before used by New Zealander...
