
glad rags, mad plaid

Loved your comments and messages on yesterday's post: I agree with Pearl, every industry has its moments, especially when it's mainly female. Please don't get me wrong: I looooove fashion week! And I really had a brilliant time this season, perhaps my favourite. I really just do feel it was a full moon thing. And, like with Vegas, whatever happens at fashion week, STAYS at fashion week.

While nothing will rival the impact that my first live experience of his show had on me (A/W 2010: inspired by Turkish kilims, which I used to own), this show really blew me away. It's driving me mad that I can't find the song ('excuse me') - was dancing in my spot on the floor while shooting and trying to keep that bloke from beating up Adam. Does anyone know who's singing the song in the show?

Speaking of songs, when I was thinking about how to name this post, the phrase 'glad rags' kept coming into my head. I know we all think of Rod Stewart as this kind of cringable old geezer, but when he was young and fit, he did the most beautiful song: the lines 'your handbag's only glad rags that your poor old granddad had to sweat to buy.' If you've got a few minutes click here and listen to two really beautiful songs. They don't make lyrics like that anymore. And what he's wearing would look fabulous on a young beautiful female model, don't you think?

Like with red and black, I'm not normally all gaga over plaid as a rule. (Okay, THAT's not true: I LOVE classic plaid kilts, especially worn ironically with school jackets, if there's a bit of grown up twist to it). But one Thanksgiving, my sister was wearing this really crazy Chanel-inspired giant plaid jacket - like the one above - and altho it's so not her normal style, I liked it. So when I saw her again, she gave it to me. I haven't worn it yet but Ashish has inspired me.

I can't say that Sandra (plaid blanket as skirt) or Daniela (plaid shirt as skirt) were inspired by Ashish, as I saw them both days before the show. Maybe Ashish was inspired by them? Maybe in a dream state each girl was anticipating this collection? Maybe there was a leak within the industry. In any case, this is what I love about streetstyle: tracking trends like an anthropologist with a stun gun. Like David Attenborough. And of course, I've been embracing moth holes and unravelled jumpers for a while now, so I was thrilled to bits to see this as such an integral part of his collection. Hard Times, indeed.

I love how we all influence each other, in a good way. I love it when people wear something as something else. More on Ashish, I just can't fit everything in one post.

p.s. Thank you Gunhild (aka Ediot): yes that's the show I meant! And I love the Madness song for that, too. I meant does anyone know the song he played this season? The lyrics are 'excuse me, what's the problem here, what about you can't hear all the words I say..' which can't compare to the lyrics of handbags/glad rags, IMHO.

p.s.s. Gunhild you're such a star! This is it: MIA, Listen Up. It is such a catchy tune, I'm singing it now to the cat.


  1. such a great post. love how you put it all together. and it may definitely be so- that designers get inspired by bloggers- in particular these two lovelies. They've both got such a nice and unique style.

    About songs I'm always very captured by the music from the fashion shows.. in particular from corrie nielsen.ahh. so nice..
    so that season if you mean this one
    Title: MADNESS 4

    have a great saturday.


  2. Absolutely love how Sandra and Daniella have worn the plaid skirts... looks so comfy and so cool.

    The Ashish show looks amazing! It's so incredible how the sequins are reworked into something so different than you would normally see. The jacket in the last shot is my absolute favourite. It looks awesome with the distressed denim shorts and black and white top. I would love to wear that outfit exactly as it's been styled (spider webs included). xx

  3. aha, i was going to answer that as well. that's mia. listen up, ;)

  4. That's it!! Yay! Thank you. I've been singing it in my head all week. That, and Hound Dog (from Topshop/Unique). Will add this to the post - the world's longest post!


  5. OH MY GOD
    spider web tights?! NEED.

  6. The real women on the street rocking the plaid get me. LOVE. I think some designers are just so plugged in, that they aren't copying street fashion, they just seem in be in synch with it.

    A whole 'nother note. Just saw the sweetest pic of you on Roz's blog. I wish you'd show us more you here at the Polka Dot. It's so good to see the face that matches the voice. xo. -Bella Q
    the Citizen Rosebud

  7. Ahhh, how yummy is that plaid sequin dress? Personally, I've always thought of Ashish as a one-trick-pony, but these pieces (the jacket- wow!) are gorgeous ;)


  8. I've always loved tartan as a staple look for Autumn - the colours clash but in a good way! Will have to get my hands on a long plaid skirt for AW11 as they are nice and warm for our horrendous British Winters! Off to check out the Rod Stewart song now...

    Alexandra Thérèse xx


  9. Oh Alexandra I hope you see this in time - it just popped in while I was playing around with photos of Paloma Faith - that's the thing, Sandra's 'skirt' is just a big old blanket tied up in a belt! Save your pennies, you don't need to buy a skirt!

    Princess, I know! He's a multi trick pony! ; ) oh and Bella, that is so sweet of you but I feel I'm plastered over my own blog waaaaay too much. I never meant it to be a self style blog - it was originally just pure 100% streetstyle, nothing else.. but still, it's sweet.

    Daisychain: now I have a mission. I want to find those tights and send them to you, you'd look great in them.

    Hope you're all having a lovely Saturday night everyone!


  10. fab photos, Jill! the clothes in this show are interesting but not really my cup of tea (i'm talking mainly about the moth-hole-inspired sweaters!) that said, i love plaid, always have, always will. :)
    i see some grunge inspiration going on w/ sandra and daniela. i like how sandra wrapped her black-watch(?) plaid blanket-turned-skirt-thingy.
    i love your fashion week reports! xo

  11. wow! I love the tartan looks! So many gorgeous photos! Well done doll!

  12. A blanket and a shirt as a skirt?!! LOVE it! I need to go hunt out my picnic blanket!! :)

  13. If I am brave enough, I might turn my grandmother's plaid blanket into a skirt. LOL! (actually, I've already thought about it before, but am such a big chicken!!!).
