Typing this in haste because Mr. Dot said Panorama is about to start - and it's on the Hacking Scandal, which for some reason, altho it's not funny.. I can't explain, the name keeps reminding me of Dorking. (No offence to anyone reading this who resides there). It's like the love child of Hackney and Dorking.
I've got the most gorgeous shade of Greek blue paint (non water soluble, mind you) all over myself - legs, arms, face, hair - having been doing some enthusiastic home improvement this afternoon and evening. And I can't stop thinking about Charlie Gilmour, in prison. And thinking about all the stupid things I've done in my life that luckily, I did not get imprisoned for. At least I didn't get a tattoo.
Do you have one? May I ask - what? And where?
I'd love to show you Joni Mitchell singing the song of my post title - from the Scorcese film, The Last Waltz, which I saw recently, but it's embedded by request. So CLICK HERE to see it. She's wearing a purple leotard - so bang on trend. Today I met up with some friends and at least 50% of us we wearing a combination of purple, plum, and navy. It must be this monsoon weather: it's so.. tropical.
i dont have one . i sometimes think about it but i cant find an idea that i would like to keep forever on my skin
You see, that's my problem, Damsels. Besides the fear of needles/pain/etc, it's also an extension of my general 'fear of commitment' (you should have seen the ordeal I put everyone thru about getting married). It's the same reason why I bring too many shoes on holiday: even flip flops, I'll usually end up wearing the same pair but I don't want to commit to the decision to wear, say hot pink, for two weeks (and then, I do). But if I only brought the pink ones, I'd regret not having the white.
I'd be the same with the butterfly tattoo: I'd be walking round wishing it were a rose instead.
I just read your comment, Jill, haha. I can sort of relate to your commitment issues (except for marriage, that was relatively easy). It's one reason I now wear all black (well, and some grey, white, or navy at times). It was the indecisiveness of "what to wear/buy/pack" that drove me to a black-based wardrobe. And oddly enough, I feel freer wearing black, sartorially speaking.
I have no tattoos, for the same reason- never found an image I could live with the rest of my life. Clearly I don't do well with too many options!
Every day I sigh a sigh of relieve that I never got one, and every other day I think of getting one... It's not decided yet. This one though, that's a proper commitment. xoxo
Ohh I would love one.... but the fear of hating it after 6 months stops me! Also, trying to decide what would break me. I'm known for my indecision in life!
I have two tattoos. One I got in the very early 90's, a band of spikey tribal work. The other one I got 2 year ago, "Love is the Assignment" surrounded by a wreath of leaves. That one is an abbreviated quote from Martin Luther King "Love is not the answer, it is the assignment"
I see no glory in NOT having a tattoo. If you get it for the right reasons. Just gotta be trendy? boring. Have a mission and something meaningful to say? a milestone to commemorate? Do it.
Cyn in Seattle
Jill! I'm exactly the same - commitment issues! Hell, I never even pierced my ears! I have seriously considered it twice and backed off both times, and I'm glad I did. I know some people with some absolutely stunning ink, but I'm going to limit my body modifications to the kind that come in shoeboxes.
Your post on Charlie Gilmour was really moving. My eyes chanced on a nugget of disturbing information on twitter: I read that Charlie Gilmour got 18 months, and two men who gangraped an 11 year old girl got 2 years. Please, where is the perspective? He seems to have been served justice in that Dickensian age when starving urchins got thrown into Newgate for pinching bread.
I read your Patti Smith messages with such glee. the world a funny place? And you know the Patti Smith train is still going: I bought Just Kids this morning at last, and an hour later I get a message from Audrey (Frassy) saying why don't we go to her gig in November in Paris? I don't have the money but I'm going to make the money because I think this is too much of a poignant opportunity to miss. I should take a lasagna!
PS. I've never gotten a tattoo either, and never will. Partly because I don't know what on earth I'd get( That whole 'it means so much to me' line doesn't figure because surely if it was that important you could remember it without marking it on your skin?)... But mainly I haven't gotten one so I can be part of that smug (silently uttering) 'I told you so' club when my friends and I are in our 30s and a wrist covered in stars in neither edgy or elegant.
That tattoo in the picture is gorgeous.
i'm really into tattoos, i like old world ones and classic america stuff the most. i have two, a star (booo) and an achor (yey)
I've been the girl with the dragon tattoo since ... let me think...2000-2001... I did it because as a child I always dreamt of owning a dragon pet, and due to a bit of a rough family upbringing i was finally finding my voice through a horrible illness and whatnot...and a couple of years ago i added four little stars for my little sister (her second name means star in Spanish, and she was born on the 4th month of the year).
I plan to have more, but I have no money right now. I like to have tattoos that cannot really be seen unless I take my clothes off. The dragon is on my back, right next to my left shoulder. The stars are on the side of my chest, right under my right arm. xxxx
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