The other day - yesterday, actually - I asked the Universe to identify the cuff in Nia's friend's bracelet (also friends with the girl in the Sunshine post) because it was driving me bonkers. My sweet virtual friend, Maya, from Soviet Georgia, now a wife and soccer mom in Hendersonville, Tennessee (Soccer Mom Style), came up with the goods. It's GIVENCHY. And it costs $738.50, on StyleBistro.
Which, to my mind, means it's just SCREAMING OUT to be DIY'd.

Now, I'm not a very good DIYer. I should be - my mom was the best nursery school teacher, and she was always trying out these crafty projects on my sister and I at home (my favourite - mom if you're reading this, do you remember we wrapped balloons in string dipped in glue and when it dried, we popped the balloons? Why??? Don't tell me: another phantom memory that never really happened).

Anyway.. (and don't you love her shorts btw? I love faded studded denim shorts with long sleeved black tops - I just love that look). I thought, hey, I've got chains, and I've got feathers - I bring them home for the cat, who eats them whole, so I hide them in drawers.. and then I realised - pack rat that I am.. I also have SCRUNCHIES! Remember in Sex and the City, when Carrie says she doesn't want to eat at a restaurant that serves people who wear scrunchies?
So for your viewing pleasure: Polka Dot's DIY Tip of the Week: the Scrunchie Givenchy Feather Chain Cuff!

Thank you for the link, dear.
Well done, Jill. Soft fabric scrunches and feathers against hard metal chain: what a pretty contrast!
Funny I was just going to ask you if I could use your photo of a girl with Givenchy cuff to echo your post?? I'm almost done with my version and will post it soon.
hehehe loooove your version!!!
So Givenchy, wow, waaaaaaay out of my budget so maybe I also attempt a DIY re-interpretation of it :P
Really love your version, mmmh, actually I like your version more. The girl is a true beauty, love her smile.
And yes I remember that scene from SATC. I once had a hot pink scrunchie.
Much as I love Givenchy, your version with the feathers really tops it!
The girl you photographed is so lovely!
Thank you! And the best part is: soon as we did the shoot, I disassembled the elements! I'm definitely going to start wearing this, it's cheap and cheerful.
Maya's got a proper DIY post on it, coming up, so stay tuned.
Love your DIY!! :) xx
she is a beautiful lady and have lone, black, shine, dense hairs.
Each piece wore by her is fashionable..her short is cool because of that studs belt..lov it
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