
bearing witness

What a treat: cold/wintry/rainy out (it really is the tail end of Irene! They said so on the BBC, while showing the lovely RSPCA guys in Swansea, saving 400 birds who, exhausted, blew up onto Wales' beaches after surviving crossing the Atlantic in Hurricane Irene).

The treat was, after husband came home from drinks with his friend who's a publisher at Conde Nast: he brought me a copy of October Vogue, and sure enough, on page 204, I read Roz's winning piece, while drinking hot strong PG Tips with milk and honey. Here's the thing: even if she didn't look the way she does, or have the sense of style that she does, she'd still be fabulous because of the way she thinks. Her use of the English language is masterful, confident, unique. I won't say another word: just read it for yourself, you'll see.

Wasn't that how Jackie Bouvier Kennedy got her start? Am I wrong, or didn't she win a writing competition for Vogue?

Photos of Rosalind Jana, shot by me the same day as previous post: London, 5 November, 2010.


  1. How lovely Jill - I'd just commented on your Karma post also featuring Rosalind and then this one popped up! It's just my luck that this month my Vogue subscription finished and I rushed out to Sainsbury's earlier and they didn't even have October Vogue in yet! I was NOT happy! But Rosalind has just informed me that it will be out on the 9th so I'll look forward to reading it on Friday night when I'm home! Indeed - Rosalind would still be fabulous no matter what her sense of style because her writing flows so beautiful that her posts are such a pleasure to read. She thoroughly deserves to win and it's so lovely that the prize has gone to someone like her who is so gracious and humble and utterly lovely! Aside from that - lovely little snippet about the good guys at the RSPCA in Swansea - it amazes me how caring and compassionate humans can be!

    Have a lovely evening, Alexandra xx

  2. gorgeous photos - she looks like a 30's starlet.

  3. great pictures. good for her to win. this is BIG!

  4. Yup, DAvid: it is. Our little Roz! ; ) (she said she LOVED working with you, btw: that you were so professional, such a gentleman).

    V: doesn't she? I remember she had Lauren Bacall's book out - we were talking about so much with her mom that day, I forgot to ask if she liked it. I loved that book. To think - wasn't LB about 19 when she met Humphrey Bogart?

    Alexandra: you are such an absolute darling!!! (and yes, totally agree re: the RSPCA - I wish I could find the piece, I'd send it to you). But also: I can't wait for you to read the piece she wrote! It blew me away: clever, funny, beautifully written, of course, but also.. she writes with such HEART. Really moving. An incredible achievement in such a 'superficial' medium like a fashion magazine. I'd love to hear your thoughts, when you read it. Actually.. I'm going to write this on YOUR blog now, too! : )

    Must run - lovely day all! xxx

  5. Actually, not 'anonymous' - it's ROZ'S MUM here! (Can't find any other way of commenting).
    Jill, you lovely, lovely, generous, warm-hearted being. These two posts just blow me away.
    What an extraordinary time that was when Roz was in her just-out-of-hospital recovery stage (actually, it would have been more than 7 days after her surgery as she was in hospital for a full week). Looking back at these photos of her I can see how her face, eyes, everything, was changed by what she was experiencing. And yet, I can't help thinking of her scoliosis as being a strange gift. So many transitions, not just for her, but for us too. I will always remember that day you visited. In fact, I find myself recalling it in a sequence of 'still' images and snapshots punctuating the flow of conversation.
    You have written so beautifully and movingly about Roz. I have to admit, I was rather emotional when I read your previous post last night. Thank you for being such a huge source of support and friendship. x

  6. Oh, bless you, Roz's mum! ; )

    Was just leaving when I saw this come in - will ping you an email, too, in case you don't see this.

    You see? Anyone reading: this is what I mean about this amazing family. It is the ability - the desire- to seek and find something wonderful, something positive and good - what my father always called the 'learning experience' - in every aspect of human existence. No matter how painful, at the time. To seek for the good in it, is to lead a rich and fulfilled and ultimately, successful, life.

    My heart goes out, truly, to the people who just live their lives in envy, anger, and revenge. Such a sad waste of a life.

    Big hug to you, P. xox

  7. Ah Jill. I was so, so moved when you did these two posts - and then realised that I hadn't commented here. Suffice to say, you are one very special person and it's a joy to know you.
