
nature vs nurture

Just imagining a world where all we human beings did was.. nurture one another. That's my word for the day, nurture. Simple helped one another to grow.

More from the Kew series. Details here.


  1. I share your wish Jill - and in a way this post has made me realised how lucky I am to live in a country and have a life where I have such wonderful friends and family looking out for me. There most be so many unloved, unwanted, orphaned kids out there in the world with no one to care for them, nurture them. Sorry if this is completely unrelated to your thoughts about 'nurture' but for me, nurture has always meant 'care'.

    Aside from that, I just wanted to say such a huge thank you Jill - you are so, SO lovely and your comment has made my day. That's what I mean about bloggers you actually read posts and share their thoughts - even if the post they are reading is a completely different subject matter to that of their own blog. I'm so grateful that you said I shouldn't have to apologise for posting about something other than fashion - and I know what you mean about the pictures, I find that if my post doesn't contain any images then no one seems to be interested in reading it! And although (as you already know) I do want to pursue photography as a hobby, I don't want to feel obliged to have to take photos. Because I want to be a writer - so what I love to do on my blog is write!

    That's why sometimes I write 800 word posts - because for me it's important that I get all the thoughts in my head out onto the paper (well, screen in this case!). In all honesty, I've actually enjoyed your blog so much more since you've started posted about things OTHER than fashion! (It's weird the way things work out, isn't it?) so PLEASE don't stop! ALSO (sorry this is a ridiculously long comment - maybe I should have emailed you!) I can't believe you've met Julian Fellowes! I'm going to order Gosford Park on dvd - I've only got an ancient video of it from when it first came out and the quality is awful and doesn't reflect on what a brilliant piece of film making it is, and what a cast! I can't wait for Downton either - it's lovely to have something to look forward to on a Sunday night before the Monday morning rush again. I'll be curling up with a blanket and a hot chocolate to watch it! Also, this year they're doing a Christmas special! Can't wait to see what it will be like.

    Take care xxx

  2. That is a darling image of the father & baby illustrating your idea on this post.

    Thank you for your lovely comments. I'm sure your father is completely missed (as we miss my mom) even after all these years. We are certainly the products of how we were nurtured and loved by our parents.

    And it is uncanny that we both blogged about black/white/red! I didn't notice your title until your comment. I hope it wasn't a case of subconscious plagiarism on my part but just the result of the stars aligning and minds thinking alike!

  3. i like your word of the day. i have family driving down later today, after a long, 3-day road trip. your post is timely- i want to nurture my loved ones, make them feel safe and comfortable and welcome. :)

  4. Beautiful, truly beautiful xx

  5. This post came at a good time for me....it's been an awful weekend/week so far due to the sudden death of a friend but thankfully I have had lots of lovely people nurturing me and letting me know I'm important to them.....I hope I do that for other people too as I feel it's hugely important. Am a huge believer in the whole "You get back what you give out" sorta thing...x

  6. I've just discovered your blog as the post on Rosalind by Dvora@Fahioninstable brought me 'here'...and I'm really glad. Just wanted to say that I found your previous story on Roz so delicate and moving, not to mention that the images are beautiful. I think I found another daily reading...

