
best foot forward

Before I run out for Day Three (no.. Day Four!)I'm uploading and there's just so much I want to show you, so much and so little time. And that perfectionist head wants to get it just right, tell you about what it said in the press release about the theme behind the Ashish show, but there will be other Ashish posts from me, I promise. Instead of selecting my three 'best' shots, I simply closed my eyes and clicked on these three. And they all turned out to be the legs (I promise, I shot heads, too).

I know each season I think 'this is my favourite' but this time, I really think this is my favourite.' He had everyone in Doc Martins, strutting this great walk, with flowers sticking out of their boots that would fall onto the runway. So effortlessly cool.

Sometimes when there's a lot on my plate, I just try to put one foot in front of the other. Baby steps. I'll get there in the end.


  1. This reminds me so much of when I was a teenager growing up with grunge music and wearing Doc Martens with EVERYTHING....I wish I'd kept some of them.....may have to get some second hand ones as new ones just aren't the same, too stiff and ouchy! Hope you're having a great time and am loving the posts so far :) Jules x

  2. Not into the Docs, but the prints are gorgeous. I especially like the mix in shot #1.

    The Styleseer

  3. inspiring and uplifting colors! beautiful Ashish!

  4. Love, love these leg shots and style. Stroke of genius to put flowers on the Doc Martins!

  5. You were on This Morning on 20/9/11 in the background whilst they were interviewing Nicole Roberts from Girls Aloud. It was a report on fashion week.

  6. Oh Anonymous, bless you, what a lovely Anonymous Tipoff! Now I'm trying to find a youtube clip.. I'm watching her new single, she's great.. hmm.. you don't by any chance have a link to you? Curious ; )

    Wow it's a great song. And thank you, Leo, Foolish Aesthete, Maya Soccer Mom, Lauren, and Jules, who, btw, I did the same thing: was KICKING MYSELF I'd given mine away years ago. Then my husband, who is often like a parent to me, made me clean out a close, and there they were in the very back. Dusty, but in good nick.
