

Today's the last day of London Fashion Week September 2011 - it's rainy and it's Men's Day and there will be a very end of school term feel in the air, a sweet kind of melancholy, and for most industry insiders, it's off to Milan and Paris, and for me, one last trip to clean out my locker in the photographers' room, then time to sift through my photographs. Like beautiful memories.

As my good friend Jennifer of Style East described it, one's first time at fashion week - for a streetstyle photographer especially - is like being a kid in a sweet shop. And right now, I feel like I've had so much candy I've got a sugar headache. Literally. And while I didn't expect to ever get that heady, I can't believe I'm here feeling that I did at my first time, September 2009, I'm surprised at how much I've really enjoyed this season. My experience is richer now, because I've made so many wonderful friends - bloggers, journalists, young talent starting out, as well as the truly professional, hard working 'industry insiders.' I don't know why I waited this long to be in the fashion world - the REAL fashion people aren't bitchy at all, they're absolutely lovely. And this time, I've finally met some of my virtual friends, like Pearl of Fashion Pearls of Wisdom, and my God, they are all even more lovely than I expected. And I expected a lot.

It's occurred to me that happiness, in any situation, has a direct proportion to expectation. The less I expect from an experience, the more I am pleasantly surprised.

Now I don't know where to begin, what to post on first. Runway shots, but in my style, from the front row? Backstage? Or streetstyle, at and around Somerset House? You tell me.

Shot backstage before Holly Fulton, what they call 'first look.' This was a bit posey, and I used flash - not my usual style, but it's good to mix things up. Maybe for my next post, I"ll show you other shots during this 'first look' process - it's really surreal, all these professional photographers crammed into a hallway, it's hard to get out, and everyone's saying 'look at me' - but it's a wonderful, heady experience. Just before the show begins. And it was such a great show: Holly has such a delightful, unique voice.


  1. These are great, but really can't wait to see your streetstyle shots.

    The Styleseer

  2. hey J, these photos are incredible! such depth and softness. you are a wonderful photographer. i look forward to more of your FW coverage.
    the turquoise sunglasses are pure fun.

  3. Great photo's I loved the Holly Fulton show, shame I only saw it live streamed as was only there for the first two days. It was great to hang out with Pearl, a lovely down to earth girl, which is what I like and of course to meet you after all this time xxxx

  4. Oh Fab, it was wonderful to meet you, too. You are so lovely!

    Odyssey, is this you? Is this a new sign in? I love it, it's so graphic design ; ) Thank you.

    And Lauren, thank you: your wish is my command.

  5. I would like to learn more about this 'first look' thing sounds interesting. It was so great to finally meet you and Fab :)

  6. Oh you, too, Pearl! I'll explain First Look in a subsequent post. I don't know how long they've used this phrase at shows, but I pretended like I always knew what it was. 'Ah, yes, First Look,' I'd say, knowingly.

  7. I love these shots, they're so colorful with the hair dynamic lol :)

  8. Love these photos. Particularly the girl with the heavy fringe and smudged eye liner and big earrings - a sort of polished 60s hippy look - this is my inspiration for next season!!! :) xx

  9. Anon here again, the clip from This Morning can be found here http://www.itv.com/thismorning/styleandbeauty/london-fashion-week-special/

    The timecode is 04:06 also try their ITVplayer it was on around 1110 on the 20/9/11. I will also post this on you latest post. If you've alreay found it then ignore this.

  10. Oh Anonymouse THANK YOU!! I'm stuck inside with a flu bug on this beautiful day, and I'm watching it now. I even sent it to my mom. I look like an idiot of course - with my mouth hanging open (I remember exactly what I was doing - shooting - probably looking around deciding who to shoot next). I'll do a post later of what I was shooting while that was filmed. It was a great show, nice crowd, fun event. Sir Green really knows how to put on a good party. And we had the most yummy beef stew on mashed potatoes: I told the waiter it saved my life. I'd run across Waterloo bridge and was fainting with hunger.

    Bit like leaving a message in a bottle: I've got no idea who you are, or if you'll ever read this. But I'm really chuffed you took the time to find this, because I hadn't. And Brix is really nice, she's following me on twitter!
