
checkered presence

'It's a blog-eat-blog world out there, son.. somebody could get hurt.'

That's the quote on Claire Healy's twitter: @young_shields, from her blog of the same name. We met the first day of LFW, and I can't believe we haven't met sooner.

I love when people - who also happen to be attractive, and have great style - have interests that extend beyond self promotion. Whose goals are more than increasing their blog numbers, and becoming famous bloggers. Claire is back in Cambridge now, at Uni, and she's modest, and beautiful of course, but you can also, I hope, see the wisdom, and the humour, and especially, the kindness, in her eyes.

And her outfit? When we finally got round to talking about that, it really was a bit of 'oh this old thing?' She can't remember where she got her boots. Her picnic checkered trousers, granted, are Moschino, but - here's a tip for the fit girls amongst you - they're from the kids' department. Cheap, and chic.

It's hard to even look at leather jackets right now: we're packing swimsuits and goggles and sunscreen and heading to Surrey, bunking off for the day at the wonderful heated outdoor pool. Swim and write, write and swim. A gift from the Gods! And Claire: thank you for letting me post your shots. I know you're modest, and as self critical as the next girl, but you're a delight, and it's precisely because you're interested in so much more than how you look, or what you're wearing.


  1. i can't believe how warm it's got here now, i'm back in shorts. what's happening. the leather jack is just making me hot think about it. i can see why you took her snap, she stands out a lot compared to the more obvious

  2. In a blog-eats-blog world it's always good to have some back-up, like a nice university degree :) Claire looks lovely!


  3. She's beautiful and I love her haircut. Yes, her eyes and smile look very warm. I'm checking out her blog now.
    have fun on your trip. I'm so envious! just kidding! You said it right "a gift from gods"

  4. Awe, she certainly looks kind and pretty! I love her outfit.

    It must be so cool and crazy to be able to witness LFW ... A show even outside the venues where, hehe.

    Hope you have a blast in Surrey, Jill! ;D



  5. Polka Dot, always love your eye and warm, chatty banter. Have fun in Surrey.

  6. I love her shoes and her style! And your blog!- Jessica


  7. I think this is one of my favourite style spots of yours ever! Her look is right up my street (oh if only I was younger, I'd lop a few more inches of my crop top right now!). Perfect perfect perfect, and I'm going to check out her blog this second...
    (ps - this is Jennifer, styleeast, my commenting isn't working AGAIN, it's causing me rage!)

  8. She is a beauty!! Cute and beautiful all at the same time! Great shots Jill :)

  9. she is so cute! and what a nice outfit. great shots jill!

  10. Aw, thanks Ediot, Adrielle, Jennifer, Jessica, Catman.. MIKI!! Hope all's well in CA! Maya, Sabine, Mat.. it's funny, everyone here, I love your blogs! And more than your blogs - your individual personalities.

    Catman, I'll check yours out, too, but I must run out shortly.. dare I do another post? I really want to.. so much to show you, so little time!!

    Jennifer aka Styleeast: I wonder what the problem is with comments. Is anyone else having this problem? If so, maybe email me @ jill@haybooks.com and we'll sort it out?

    Thank you - these comments mean a lot to me and I'm sure they will to Claire, too. She's so modest. But in the best sense: she's also got a great sense of humour, and absolutely no ulterior blog ambition. So not a poser, or a wannabee.

  11. She is looking lovely and cute.She got a perfect look to wearing a nice clothes collection and souse.

    swimsuits for women
