
paris correspondent

I did not take this photo, shot yesterday in Paris. Alex did. Alex, of La Perle a Paris. Alex, who I have not yet met. My new friend Alex, who I introduced to Reid, virtually. Reid Peppard, who is my taxidermist artist jewelry designer friend, Reid of RP/Encore, from California, who dresses Lady Gaga in rat hats & lives in East London with her English artist boyfriend. Reid, who coincidentally, it transpires, lived a few miles from Alex, growing up. Anyway: thanks to a few tweets, they're now friends. And they had already met each other: by mistake! Mistake, of course, or Serendipity.

There's more to this story and I will continue tomorrow - it's late, it's freak summer here, but what I can't get over is when I asked Alex to send me some photos - to be my eyes & ears for Paris fashion week - what I didn't expect is that SHE HAS MY EYE.

This is not a street shot by me, but I wish it was.


  1. the patterns on those trousers are outstanding


    Sophie x

  2. Love the chosen subject matter. The trousers and heels are sublime.

  3. Oh! Such lush trousers and shoes! They go so well together. Dreaming of those Kurt Geiger heels on my own feet...

  4. oh how i wish i was in paris too.. i have a lot of metro tickets i need to use in a near future.. btw the pants hedvig wore are by philip lim.

    i would love to get your bracelet darling. it would be wonderful. if you can separate yourself from it.. i know i would have a hard time doing that.
    lucie is just so wonderful and sweet. i really love her passion and compassion, it's so visible.

    Hope you're doing good darling. and that you've had a great weekend
