Home with a cold, looking for something else, stumbled on this shot- a blast from the past. When I first started my 'street style' blog, before everyone and their cousin was shooting street style (hence me backing off - creativity DEMANDS change, all mediums stagnate if you keep churning it out), one of my earliest photos: shot with my dad's Pentax, when I'd only allow myself one or two shots. I had been in Hyde Park with a friend, walking her dog, when we met Imogen Excell: totally surreal, looking almost like a black and white cutout on such a vivid early spring day.
I remember chatting for a bit: Imogen was such a delight, we just became instantly friendly. She said when she was done with Uni she wanted to move, with her boyfriend, to London, and to work for a great vintage shop called ROKIT. We stayed in touch - became friends in the various social network ways that you do - and guess what? She's not only working with Rokit now, but, she's become their Digital Community Manager.
She's always a delight to communicate with, easy and breezy. We keep meaning to meet but we're both so busy - but, for example, she helped arrange when I had to choose my favourite London shop for a shoot for what I was told was China's largest upscale fashion magazine - their Vogue - and I chose Rokit.
And here's the freak part: she had happened to send me an invite to their Christmas party, and said if I wanted to mention to you guys, til 20th December, if you go online, and use the unique code RSSLONDON2,you'll get 15% off. And I'm only mentioning this because a)I happen to be home, like I said, with this stupid cold, missing everything I wanted to do, b)it was just a freak coincidence that I stumbled on her shot and put two and two together, and c), I've been trying to do a much more complicated post but can't wrap my thick head around it. So this is the easy way out.
Now if only to think of a title for this post. My head is so thick - hence this post being so LONG - and I've tried and dismissed 'Imogen Rocks It', 'Rokit Imogen', 'blast from the past' and half a dozen others that were even MORE naff, but really, it's a Cinderella story - kind of rags to vintage riches. And besides, I love when people get to do what they dream of doing. I love a happily ever after story.
Oh and if you want in on the party invite, email me and I'll see what I can do. And now that I think of it: I must meet up with her soon, and shoot an update. I'd love to see what she wears to work, on a daily basis: she's got such great style, don't you think?
Love this one ! You may be interested by that french video show :
Le Zap Mode, émission vidéo, défilés, interviews de bloggers, look, tendance & boutiques..
hope you feel better soon lovely, xxx
Beautiful girl - Snow White in a denim jacket! I really enjoyed the backstory and would love to see your update shoot. Feel better soon.
Aw, thanks, Emily!
Ben - not sure what you're talking about, but thanks for commenting.
Lauren: funny I was just thinking about you! I love what you wrote, Snow White in a denim jacket. If I wasn't such a Stuffy Head right now, I'd edit this post way back and add that line - and credit you, of course! ; )
Hey Polka Dot, i've chnaged my blog! I've made it simple but effective! Come and check it out!
And wonderful pictures you have taken: Keep up the GOOD, AMAZING WORK!
From SiayaWalker
yeah i wonder if she has changed much, gives me hope about finding a job this post!
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