More from my Oxford Street Juxtaposition series.
I am so on a roll. I can't get this song out of my head (see 'sweet silver bells'). Please play it, then I won't be the only one.
It was going thru my head last Thursday when I got caught in the rain on Oxford Street, and has inspired me to go thru photos, like memories, making collages. This model was backstage after some show - I forget now, which - last February at Somerset House. She was really nice.
There's such a fuss at the moment for red lips: I read about it in the Times Style section, but I've been thinking about red lips even before reading Odyssey's posts ('makeup' and 'matte'. I so wish I could wear red lips: it is the best way this season to be instantly glamorous. I don't know if it's my age, because I never felt I could wear it. My lips were always thin, and.. I can't tell you how bad I look in red lips, you'll just have to trust me. Stephanie swears by Chanel's Rouge Allure Velvet lip colour #37 (her new "red"), and I do know there are enough different types of red, blues and orangeys, as there are Eskimo words for snow, but still, that is a line I cannot cross. I cannot wear red lippy.
Can you? Do you? Which red are you?
Oxford street is magic at the moment i have to admit I'll have to try to catch that magic too...
Thanks for that sweet post
Love it ! The pic is really nice.. you may be interested by this french video show about fashion :
Le Zap Mode, émission vidéo, défilés, interviews de bloggers, look, tendance & boutiques..
another dreamy magical photo...
i love this christmas song. there's a certain power to it, gives me chills...or maybe that's the cold weather we're having. ;)
and big thanks for the mention! much appreciated.
my computer is cooperating by actually playing it AND letting me comment.
red lips. i go through phases where i can't find the perfect red, or i decide red isn't really me. well with lavender hair, it is indeed tricky these days. that's why chanel #37 (which is actually fuschia) is my new red substitute. seriously, go to chanel and try it on. give it a go. you might feel amazing in with fushia. another red you could try since you're tan is chanel's rouge noir. it's supposed to be a universally flattering, but dramatic color that is layerable, blottable...depends on whether you want dramatic, dried blood colored lips or a soft berry stain. i have this lipstick. hmm...i need to see how it works with the new hair tint. anyway, it looks lovely on darker or tanned skin.
These juxtapositions are great - I especially like the 'glitter' one above. Funnily enough, in my art at the moment, we have to collect together images that remind us of the work we have been doing, and juxtapose them together. However, our theme is 'natural form's, so it's more images of seed heads and things!
Is that model's name Ilvie? I'm pretty sure she is with Select (my old agency). And regarding red lipstick, I love it, but still don't have the perfect shade - although I often rely on the one you gave me last year. However, I'm hoping that my stocking might bear some make-up fruits of new lipstick and eyeliner this christmas!
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