
dogwoof: you snooze, you loose

How wild is this: as I type this, I swear to you, I just heard a dog bark outside the window. At night. We never hear a dog in our quiet little mews!

Okay, here's the thing: I can't get emails to my phone. It's a funny problem to have - I get too many, from all the PRs and brands and god knows what - I really should write a book about the things I get in my inbox - but because I don't get emails, I didn't read the invite from DOGWOOF, the distributors, to see an intimate BILL CUNNINGHAM'S FILM tonight until I got home. One hour and eleven minutes before it was meant to start.

Across town. At MOTHER, the coolest ad agency space on the planet.

It was billed (get it? Bill? sorry) as "quite a cosy screening with some drinks and comfy sofas. Their office is pretty awesome too." And it is. Awesome, that is. I mean, for example, how cool is their loo.

Or, for that matter, their huge wall of funny framed photos of - yes, you guessed it - all the staff's MOTHERS. (I can only show you the blurry shots, for legal reasons, but I've got a wonderful private collection of shots I took before someone cottoned onto what I was doing).

Photos by me (who else) about a year or so back, at Mother, for another fun breakfast event. But not as much fun, I bet, as this screening. Which I'm missing, because I was out having a wonderful day and meeting Jessie of Fashion Limbo, who is so wonderful (you know how someone can really exceed your expectation of them - even if that expectation is high? That's what it was like, meeting Jessie - she's wonderful) and then Tom (Emma's Brother), who is also so cool, and then I saw The Descendants, which was also wonderful. And that's my point: in a day full of wonderfulness, you can't do everything.

But gosh darnit: I am going to see that Bill Cunningham film, if it kills me. Because he's the reason I started this blog in the first place. I had never heard of streetstyle, or the Sartorialist, in fact didn't really know about blogs, apart from political ones. Bill is my inspiration. But I'll save that for another post.


  1. what a lovely wall of mothers, great idea

  2. I so can't wait to see that film! It was released in the US last year but not going to be released in the UK till March,not sure why so late. Did you enjoy it?


  3. Oh, sounds like a wonderful day to me too. Glad you feel better.

    And yes I can't wait to watch that movie too.

    Have a great weekend.

  4. Yes, definitely see the Bill Cunningham film. It's a lovely film about a lovely man - a must see for those like you and me who were inspired by him to take up streetstyle photography. Enjoy!

  5. BLU-SHING... oh Jill, you are one amazing woman. that's all I'm saying.

    I really need to see that film too, and as I told you the day we met, so many others, Shame, The Artist... I can be a really movie buff at times ;)

  6. "in a day full of wonderfulness, you can't do everything." aha, true!

    i hope you got to see the film.

    to answer your question, what does evenfall mean: dusk. the beginning of evening. :)

    safe trip! xo

  7. Talk about serendipity. I see this bathroom photograph and the wall of mothers. I just posted a hasty self-photo in the bathroom, which somehow connected me to Whistler's painting, fondly known as "Whistler's Mother." Funny when one is on similar wavelengths across oceans!

    Hope you are doing well! Am about to shut the computer down as we head to the airport for our ski break. Oh, also just LOVED the equestrienne helmet that girl in your latest post had on, and agree the red bowling bag would have suited the look perfectly.

    Jenny xxx

  8. P.S. I loved the Bill Cunningham film. I caught it on my iPad in between airports a few months ago. xxx
