
string theory

As before: Mark Fast, Somerset House, London Fashion Week (September, for Spring/Summer 2012), and, as before, untouched.

Creatively, I'm inspired by the notion of not fussing with photography: by genuinely seeing 'streetstyle' and catwalk shooting as journalistic photography. Not posed. I was recently photographed by a proper, professional photographer, for a group piece in the Observer (coming out tomorrow, Sunday, if anyone's near a news stand: it's for the New Review and some of my friends will be in it, too) and I was struck at how difficult it was for her to shoot what I, and my colleagues, have come to think is easy. There was a lot of 'move your foot this way' 'no, that way' - I nearly fell over several times, not to mention, was freezing! My shooting is much quicker, breezy, off the cuff. I feel that's the whole point of this movement. And it is, a movement.

Alternatively, creatively, I'm also going back to my roots of photo collage, which is the total opposite: building layers, much as Degas did, in his later years, when he started working with coloured pastels, fixing the pieces and drawing over, layer upon layer. I'm working on images now, and, if you don't mind it not being strictly 'fashion', am hoping to share with you.

Thanks for stopping by. I might not always comment back on your blogs these days, but I do visit when I can - and I am always so grateful that you're out there, and for your kind, sweet comments.


  1. The dress is so interesting, I can't decide if I like it or not, but the picture is really cool. :) The last one has me super curious as to what's next!! :)

  2. The photos are beautiful - You can see every detail, I don't know why but the second photo has a sense of inevitable disaster as if you know the next shot will be her on the floor. I make no sense and I feel mean aha :D xx

  3. That dress is so pleasing on the eye. Not everyday attire, but proper eye candy! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend my dear x

  4. i can sense the movement in your runway photos and in these especially.

    regarding degas and how he worked, and the layers of pastel...i just remembered, didn't you visit the london exhibit that's on, where was it, the tate...or now i'm thinking royal academy. anyway, i am teaching a workshop this month on degas' techniques. we even have professional dancers from the local ballet. the emphasis is on movement, capturing those fleeting moments, as you have done so richly here, and are doing with layering of images.

    i wish i could read the group piece in the observer! maybe it'll be online.

  5. Beautiful!


  6. Gorgeous dress and accessories!!!

  7. I found the article on line! It's s great shot of you... I personally couldn't think of anything worse than being directed in a photo... For me the less posed the better as it then has a naturalness to the image.

  8. HI!
    I LOVE YOUR BLOG! is great :)

    check out my site: www.fpshoots.blogspot.com

    kisses, karo:)

  9. Gorgeous dress and perfect color. Love the title of this post ;)

  10. These again work well. But I feel we all must at least process our images. If you were working on film you would have to. For me I believe it is worth making the fuss. But hey that is just me. Xxxx

  11. Like it remembers me a inspiration wall I saw in a blog: stephaniehadrath.blogspot.com

    Really interesting proposal.
    Thanks, Sarah

  12. That's a really interesting topic. I was working mostly in film and now that i'm adding more digital works (like catwalks, etc) I'm trying to find a right balance between retouch and reality. Thanks for sharing this.
