
no woman, no cry

This version gives me the chills: I'm not kidding, that film has had such an impact on me, I can't stop singing Bob Marley songs in my head. I was having a long coffee chat with a good friend yesterday at Jaks, and his music came on.. what can I say, really? 'everyone have the answer.. everyone knows WHAT can bring this unity.'

I think I might have posted this shot before - it was one of those click as you pass things. I just think this is the most classically beautiful look: masculine and feminine, in perfect balance. Effortless good style.

The best looks seem to always be on the people who have something more important than fashion on their minds.


  1. Wonderful picture.

    Have a great week.

    (to lazy to sign in)

  2. I've not really been reading or commenting on blogs over the last few days, but something made me click on yours and I must say that photo...it just sums things up right now. Beautiful x

  3. Aw, Laura/daisychain - and San - thank you both! It's funny, I've been thinking of you both - I don't know if you'll come back to read this, but I also have been trying not to go on anyone's blogs - simply because I almost don't dare:

    as our lives become richer and fuller and our net widens - in the real world - I'm finding that talking with my other 'blog friends' we're all finding we can't spend as much time talking to each other online, thru comments. I know it's not personal, and I hope you all know it, too.

    But it's such a luxurious treat - on those rainy days - to catch up with all of you! xx

  4. I completely agree that this is the perfect effortless look, with a nod to the grunge revival too. Great shot! Hope you are well, Jill, apologies for my general lack of Internet and real- life presence, it's the usual story - work! Xx

  5. Oh Jill, my comment is similar to Laura's in the way that I've just finished an essay and was about to switch off my laptop and go to sleep when I had a peep at my bloglovin and spotted this post and thought "I'll just have a read of Jill's post before I do" and I'm so glad I did because it's beautiful. This gone-in-a-flash photo teemed with the music. I too am sorry for my lack of commenting - I have been reading everything, all be it briefly and without really appreciating it as much as I am on day's like today. Blogging has become a leisure activity for me in the way that it's something I actively look forward to in my week as it is something I have to make time for otherwise I don't manage to do it.

    I seem to have had to cut down on the number of posts I read due to the sheer volume in my reader but I will always be on here, even if I don't announce myself. My exams start in two weeks (I actually have one on Thursday, eek!) so I doubt I'll be around as much but please don't stop writing - you always manage to cheer me up and give me a little perspective.

    Alexandra xx

  6. Great picture, just the kind of outfit favoured by my youngest daughter. xx

  7. Oh you darling darling beautiful women! ; )

    WE are all in the same boat. And I just stopped in between meetings in vastly different parts of town - frozen to my toes, about to take a luxurious bubble bath and reply to emails - but isn't it lovely that our hearts are in the right place!

    Sending out big hugs to each of you. And good luck wishes ; ) xox

  8. That looks divinely comfortable :)
