
oh, baby: blues

Unintentional sequential juxtaposition: 07.04.12/13.04.12.

We'd been to Brighton to see our friends' brilliant new baby boy, shot a whole sequence of him dancing on his back, and then I didn't shoot for a few days, and then the next shot I happened to take, on a whim, was a shelf in my cupboard. It's been so dark and cold and rainy here in London that pastels have felt like a thing of the past, but I swear to you: the minute I put these shots up, the sun came out. Outside my window, our lavender and pale blue pansies are smiling at me, the start of blue hydrangeas starting to form, and across the mews, our neighbours' house painted yellow, against a stunning blue sky and the lime green of the trees.

This random collection of my jumpers and tees dates back to my NY days: reliable old friends.


  1. Aw, sweet baby! He seems fascinated with his fists!

    Everybody is having baby boys!

  2. Oh, your friends' baby is adorable! Nothing like the sense of renewal we get from seeing a bouncing baby. And I also keep a lot of my soft, worn out and hole-ridden sweaters from way back too. (Yours look like they are in better condition!) My poor husband has to see me looking like a street urchin at home sometimes ;)

    -- Jenny xx

  3. what a sweet baby boy! love the colors in this post: serene just like babies when they are not crying that is ;)

  4. well, it seems i can comment now...oh, the mysteries of cyberspace!
    cute baby pics, especially the one of him staring at his hand, fascinated. sweet. :)

  5. I've just written a post about ageing and life-cycles, so it seems like perfect timing to gaze on these beautiful photos of your friends' baby. The second one, where he's gazing at his hand in rapt fascination expresses everything about newness and wonder. And oh, those delightful creases in brand new skin... isn't life wonderful.

  6. That baby is soooooooooooooo cute!


