
let's dance

Georgie and Estelle, from our First Fashion Shoot, Regent's Park.

When I found this video, I swear, I assumed @ first it was something someone made at home to go with Bowie's song. It constantly amazes me how ahead of his time he was, and still is: this video is just so raw. Embedding is disabled by request, but it's really worth it to click here, trust me. I just love that line: 'under the moonlight, the SERIOUS MOONLIGHT.'

Okay, enough dancing. As Scarlett O'Hara would say, tomorrow is another day. And I'm famished.


Style Odyssey said...

i very much like the fluidity and movement in these photos....and that gray dress!
ahh, david bowie. love him.

Mom Fashion World said...

jill- the photos are so beautiful.
i can see there is so much happiness within them.
are they gonna be your constant models here?
keep up the good work.

The Photodiarist said...

Lovin' the white dress . . .

dot said...

Mom&son: No, I'm still street shooting - this blog won't turn into the Georgie & Estelle Fashion Shoot blog, I promise! ; )

Just keep coming upon shots I want to share with you guys. But no, they won't be my only models... altho I do hope to keep shooting them from time to time!

S.O. & P.D.: thanks!! xoxo

Cafe Fashionista said...

That white dress is so ethereal and flowy. I think it would be such a lovely frock to be married in - especially with that bohemian headpiece. So smitten with this Lolita-inspired look. These photographs are just splendrous, Dot...you truly capture the grace of the subjects. Love! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness how adorable are they! Luv the photos dear!

Anonymous Messenger said...

Gorgeous! I just found your blog and I can't stop looking! :)

Nini's Style said...

Hi Jill-
Those photos look amazing. The 2nd and 3rd are my favorite. I hope you and your family having a nice weekend,

Unknown said...

those girls are way gorgeous! the clothing is exquisite as well.


Miss Cavendish said...

Ahh--Regents Park was my second home when I spent 6 weeks in London. Just. Love. It. There.