

Couldn't resist: from my first fashion shoot! Georgie, in Regent's park. Details later.



StyleSpy said...

I believe the expression I'm searching for is, "Squeeeeeeeee!!!!!!"


Cafe Fashionista said...

A very strange pairing fashion-wise, but I absolutely adore it. Love the bohemian feel of this shot! :)

Leah said...

I love the dress and the fur coat. And I love how you pose the model to create a fluid movement.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I would adore to be wearing this outfit very bohemian!

Style Odyssey said...

the light is so soft...and you've captured the mood and movement so beautifully. can't wait to read more...!

The Photodiarist said...

This is going to be great . . . if we are to base the shoot on this picture. Cannot wait for the details and more pictures.

Mom Fashion World said...

hi jill.
isn't it fun to snap with your camera when you have
the gorgeous model in front of you?
btw, her pleated dress reminds me of my dress.
i guess, i gotta wear it soon.

Nini's Style said...

Hi Jill-
How are you? She's beautiful. I can't wait to see more photos of her.
Have a lovely weekend.

Cristi Silva said...

awesome! I totaly can't wait for more!! It looks like so much fun!!!

Dynamite socks said...

woww!! great style love flowey dresses placed with big fur jackets!!


Vicki said...

hi Jill so sorry im only getting back to you now! along with my camera breaking my internet connection broke! for over a week! i was relaying on sneaking on the internet for ten mins a day in work..sigh, to answer your qu my camera was 12 mega pixel kodak digital camera, I realy should try film camera but unfort i just never have time to use whole film develop and scan onto blog. Currently im using old 6mega pixel basic digi camera which is so not the same as my lovely 12mp camera. So currently saving for new camera, maybe i should go the whole hog and get an SLR and tripod? what do u think? your advice means alot! :)
much love, Vicki xx
magpie-girl.blogspot.com xx

Dream Sequins said...

Jill - WOW! I can't wait to see the results of your photo shoot! The model looks gorgeous and I'm in love with the fur. Hope you had an amazing weekend... xx D

Anonymous said...

what happened to her legs? why are they bluish? is she cold or just anorexic?

Anonymous said...

I don't think she looks anorexic at all- her face is so full.
She's preobably got back circulation like me.. I mean, I realise
Thera lot of anorexics out there- espeially in that industry, but
I think its become silly- every model is branded 'anorexic' without
A second thought! Anyway, looking forward to the rest of the pics!

jill said...

Wow, Anonymous (the previous one), thank you, my first slightly bitchy comment! Seriously: I've noticed that the big bloggers, the ones who have been around a long time & get over 100 comments every time they post, they always get someone saying something kind of cruel (& I admire the way they leave them up). I was just thinking the other day, what's wrong with my blog that people don't do that on mine? Is it simply a numbers game & I don't have enough comments yet?

To answer your question, Georgie is so NOT anorexic. Soon as we finished shooting, she & I found the first place we could (in the park) & got coffee & she got crisps (while I figured I could wait an hour til dinner). She was so hungry!

Some tall girls, who are as active as we all were that day, need to eat a lot because they burn a lot of fuel, and G is clearly one of them.

For what it's worth: we wanted the light to get 'softer' & I was running round barefoot with them, too. Estelle was lucky, but Georgie & I both got colds, and I still have mine. If her skin looks blueish in that shot, it's because she was freezing by the last shoots - as I was. Occupational hazard! But we did get some good shots.

Anonymous 2nd: THANK YOU for that. It's very important, I feel, that people understand it. There's often a lot of jealousy around pretty, slim girls. Some are dangerously thin, and probably do have anorexia, but I can vouch that Georgie is not one of them!