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We are still on holiday and have just come back from a few blissed out days in Tranquility, NJ with our wonderful friends the Kissanes, family and friends. I've taken many photos - and little films with my new gifted Samsung camcorder - but it's the time, always the time. I feel bad I haven't posted more but I will - I hope you understand.
This is all Oliver, our delightful cousin. Our cousin Adam and his wife's Anne's son (the daughter, Aili, gets her own post). I'm so glad they're cool about posting shots of their kids. These were all taken within a few minutes when they were here for my mom's birthday. He was really into doing big splash shots for me (over and over: this guy just did not tire out), and shortly after that, we evolved the same of 'Ollie Ball' which basically consists of him scrunching up into a ball in the pool, with the adults tossing him around. I couldn't shoot it of course because I was taking part, and too busy convulsed with laughter.
Lately it's occurred to me that life comes down to this: men and boys just want to feel free. And the smartest women - mothers, girlfriends, wives - are the ones who let them. There was more to my philosophy than that, but it's time to do a little splish splashing myself. Hope you're having a lovely summery (or, wintery) time wherever you are.

What does this have to do with streetstyle? Not much, except I do love Oliver's outfit. Can't you just see it with big bangles, cool shoes, the palm trees made out of sequins? So Ashish.
Aw, a bit of Bobby Darin is just what I needed today, big cheesy grin time! Looks like you're having a wonderful time on holiday, Oliver seems like a great kid.
I've been jealously looking at everyone's holiday photographs, only two more weeks to go. Enjoy the rest of yours! xx
I am not sure Oliver would be too happy if you Ashish'ed up his shorts LOL! Glad to see you are having a wonderful time with your family xxx
Nothin happier that a kid (a.k.a. fish) jumping into the water :) My daughter was doing the same thing into the lake yesterday off the dock - Love it :)
I think I have a case of swimming pool envy looking at these! I would so love to be splish splashing outdoors. Glad to hear you're having such a delightful time though.
hehe, yes very Ashish indeed, love these shots, full of life, he's a true poser :)
AWW, what a cutie!! Love the shot of him where he is making a face! What a happy child; all that tan and a little freckle over his lip. Too cute! My Nina has a little tiny birthmark, except hers is on the right side.
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