You can't believe how many photos I took, on holiday, of my neck in this charming wishbone charm necklace from Vagabond Van. It was a weird little challenge I set myself: just holding the camera out, aiming in the general direction, and shooting my neck.

I don't like to wear necklaces - 'statement' necklaces drive me round the bend, they're like turtle necks to me: great in theory but in reality I'm pulling them off after 20 minutes. This is light as a feather: I had to check now to see that I'm still wearing it (I am). And - this never happens - my husband, Mr. Dot, keeps saying how much he loves it.

It feels like wearing the most delicate silver cross, but what I love is that it isn't denominational. And that when Lucie first contacted me, this is what she wrote: 'We've just started taking advance orders for the most darling handmade charm necklaces. I began noticing them nestled in bronzed collar bones around Cape Town about a month ago and have coveted them ever since. I've tracked down the designer and am making an order this week.' For all I know - it's too late to get one. She didn't ask me to promote it, which is another reason why I am. She doesn't even (yet) know I'm doing this post.

And most especially: when I'm wearing it, I feel like if I make a wish, it can come true. I wished, for example, that it would stop raining - and it did. I've wished for the Libyan people to be free.. come on, make a wish. Let's try it out: see if it works virtually.
Delicate charm necklaces available from Vagabond Van: there are hearts, too, and peace symbols, with your choice of colour thread. All at £16.90. Sourced in Africa, made by local crafts people. It's all good.
I love how fragile it appears... yet it makes you feel strong... like wishes could come true. Beautiful x
So sooooo beautiful :)
I always know I'm on to a winner when the boyf tells me he likes something - quite rare :)
Speaking of the boyf and necklaces - I wear the Tiffany heart he bought me EVERY day :)
So delicate, and so nice to be reminded to wish everyday.
Love love love love the wishbone.
I like this jewellery! It's so delicate, and small. Charming!
Cute necklace but I only wear long necklaces and don't suit anything this delicate!
I guess I have never seen anything that light and thin. I'm not a big fan of necklesses, but this one would defenitelly wore. yes!
staklene bombone
After my post about feeling guilty whilst shopping this seems like the perfect antidote. Thank you so much very your very heartfelt comment Jill - I too appreciate so much the comments from lovely people like yourself. For me, eight thoughtful comments from people who've actually bothered to read my post are so much lovelier than 30 from people who haven't. This necklace is beautiful - I know what you mean about heavy jewellery that feels like a noose around your neck. Have enjoyed your posts so much lately - even though, like mine they haven't always been fashion based. Must dash for tea now but hope you have a lovely bank holiday weekend xx
This is what I love about your blog. It's always fascinating and so creative and inspiring. "sourced in Africa, made by local craft" .. i love this!
Lovely and very charming. Necklaces do have power. Haven't people worn talismans for centuries? And I like your shooting yourself at arm's length!
So nice, I just bought a wishbone necklace from Accesorize on sale for 1 euro! It will be green within a week probably but I just can't resist a bargain! Love this blog, check out mine http://boilingsnowflakes.blogspot.com/
Actually i didn't see ever this design of necklace so Definitely i would like to more admire for that. wow really beautiful. Thanks for that.
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