It's not like all I saw on the end of Long Island was white or turquoise, but I'm still in an aqua frame of mind. And turquoise. And blue. The colour of swimming pools and the sea, which, this time yesterday, I was blissfully swimming in. Both pool, and sea.

So, to extend the memory, I'm posting a shot of Sarah, brown bagging it on Jobs Lane in Southampton in a turquoise dress from the lower east side of Manhattan, to match her eyes. And she was sitting right by this shop.

So we're back in London, with our cat, Pooh (his real name is Tigger but he's clearly reincarnated from our previous cat, Pooh, so the name's stuck), kind of nibbling my foot in purring contentment as I post this. He's in remarkably good shape considering he fell three floors from the window of our friends Claudia & Steve's flat, where they so kindly were looking after him. What was he thinking! Perhaps it knocked some sense into him. As my mom said: he's got 8 lives left at least (7, if you count his previous incarnation).

There was some great style @ JFK and on the flight & on the street since we landed this morning: as I expected, there's already a kind of back to school, fall is in the air feel to the way British girls are dressing: lots of black, short tight black mini dresses with leggings and those fabulous super high heel boot things that I"ve been seeing on bloggers like
Nini with her zip up Givenchy booties, (similar but different pair shown here), ANY of
Karla's shoes,
Thumblina's YSLs, -h from
pret a porter p, any of Jane's sea of shoes,
Erica @ fashion chalet, not to mention lynn of
all things nyc, who always has some great black killer heel look going.. you get my drift. It's created a need in me: if I have that silhouette, I won't need any new clothes. I just want the mad height.
But at the AIRPORT?? These girls were clearly only carrying, at best, one small carry on, with wheels, not lugging, as I was, a laptop, bag of four plastic bottles to fill with tap water, my two cloth Accessorize bags (one, aqua, above), filled to bursting with cameras, jumpers and various layers of clothes, reading material, rocks & shells from the beach..

Still, as Dorothy, another high heel shoe wearing icon, would say, there's no place like home.