Can you keep a secret? God knows, I can't. And I've been keeping this since.. sometime in January.
After American Apparel asked me if I wanted to run their ad, I ran this idea by them, and they got it: take a girl off the street (in this case, Emily, who I spotted and dotted outside Topshop last November: 'emily's style'). I asked her to meet me at American Apparel's Carnaby Street shop yesterday, wearing whatever she wanted. I didn't want to know. She knew that we were doing this for free, but did it anyway. She's starting to do catwalk modeling, so I caught her just in time. I am so lucky, and so grateful!

This is how she looked when we met (not bad, obviously: this is not a make-over! I chose her because I feel she's a natural style icon: a DOt icon, if you will ; ) We then went 'shopping' - basically, tried on a few things. It's funny, the first thing she chose was their new riding pants (translation: trousers, not knickers), in black (I've got my eye on the same pair, in taupe). Oh and btw: if you want to buy these trousers, and click thru on the ad, I'll get a commission!

We shot her on the street, with everyone passing by (and countless guys clowning around, getting in the shots, leering, you name it). It was a quick thing. It was really hard to choose, you'll see more in time (and other looks: this one happened to be all black), but I just wanted you to have a taste.

Here's what I'd like you to do: Please use the top shot on your blog - just let me know when you do, by leaving a comment on this post. It's like being tagged, but you're basically tagging it forward. If you'd like, tell your friends. You can reduce the shot, write what you want.. I want to show American Apparel how much of a collective force we are.

Would you mind spreading the word? If you do, definitely comment with the link to your blog, so we can check your blog out.
Even if you don't have a blog: if you comment here that you saw this and like the trousers.. who knows? If enough of us pick them up they may let me do it again. And there could be ways we all can profit. I mean, let's face it: most of us who blog are already doing our bit, for free, for our favourite brands' PR. It's just a fine line, really. I want to do this as a series, shooting YOU: the Dot Icons on the street. Together, we can transform how advertising works.
Together, I passionately believe, we have a voice.
Emily's black riding pants are by American Apparel, ladylike big black purse is her mom's, lace body is similar to one also by AA, and everything else, model's own.
OMG! I love those pants
The black riding pants is so versatile... I love the different styles that you and Emily created.
I'm looking forward to the day I'll be dotted... I'm serious Jill.
I'll put this in my sidebar and link to this page. Is that okay? xoxo
jill love this. she looks gorgeous. will pop up a post on it now real quick. am just about to head out the door but definitely want to help spread the word as i think this is a great idea. by the way, she looks totally hot in those trousers! how sexy are they?! xx
She rocks these super well!
Such cool shots, Jill! LOVE LOVE LOVE these jodphur trousers. Will definitely buy myself a pair - in black - next time I'm Carnaby Street-bound. YUM. Nx
great idea! hopefully i used the right image.
hi, am a follower of your blog already, hehe!
will quick post the pics and see what happens!
dearest greets!
love the photoshoot!
Jill, this is a great idea, I'm more than happy to take part! I will leave a comment on your blog when it is up. Can't wait to see more of this!
The riding pants look great - I think American Apparel is getting better all the time. You've made these look super stylish!
hello again.. ;)
well, here is my little re-post! hope it's enough! ♡
dearest greets!
I completely love these new riding pants, I've got them in both colours! They are almost like leggings and I really like them with black boots. Emily looks lovely, so demure even with the cheecky lace body. Now I've got fresh inspiration on how to style it:)
I really like her riding pants. and Emily is such a beautiful girl :-).
Have a great day Jil!
Hi Jill, I will sidebar the image for you because I love you and this is such a great idea you had!
But I have to say I am a bit annoyed with AA at the moment. AA Switerland contacted me and said they want to show real girls wearing their stuff to use on their website. I said sounds great, but they didnt want to see the AA we already had they specifically wanted me to wear the Disco Pants, I didnt own them and they cost £70 so I obviously thought they were prepared to send a sample. Guess not, after I asked all emails just stopped no appology or explaination or nothing! That said I do really love the AA leggings I do have, I guess this PR just needs a lesson in courtesy.
Right off to DOT my side bar xx
I think its a great idea.
Loving the shots, Emily is stunning, just wish we could all look that good in those pants.
Nik x
OOps forgot to actually say what a gorg girl she is and she looks great it the pants!
Incredible darling, just incredible.
Love the style, and will definitely post your pic on my blog...I have a few posts already lined up( earthday coming up and all) but will do in a few days and leave you a note about it.
Great shots as usual. xo. -Bella Q
The girl is already gorgeous, but you seem to capture her in just the right light to make her even more so. Love all around.
Re:Swiss AA yeah Jill sure pass it on to HQ you can give them my email, Id be happy to forward them the communication. Id forgotten about it until you did this post, but I guess they should know about it as it is giving their brand bad rep.
Cant wait to see how many blogs you get to do this BTW xx
Done! http://styleodyssey.blogspot.com/
Great pants. I hope you get the taupe pair!
Love the concept Jill. Emily is beautiful. Your photography is great! I really enjoy Street Style.
such a good idea - AA adverts drive me mad. Yours is so much better, plus emily is a real girl and beautiful, plus its an actual outfit that looks good, plus shes not in a hottub straddling the taps haha
love it. great work jill. Im pretty proud to say I got dotted :)
I love your photo!!!! I will include the photo on my thank you link to you.... I don't think AA compeats with Blue Bee?
You are such a supportive force for me and really make my day everytime you comment so Yes I would love to post your beautiful photo on my blog!
Posted! :)
I think this is a really good idea and she looks amazing in those riding pants. Deffo heading over to their website now to have a look...
Oh, thank you thank you so much!! This is also such a great way for people to check out new blogs they might not have known - get out of their own little blog circle. Will check yours all out, if I haven't already, and Pearl, I'll talk to HQ in LA, I'm sure they don't know but now they will and will do something about it. Talk about having a voice ; )
Really grateful for the support. I think there are endless possibilities from this kind of initiative. Just think, collectively, we make up a larger readership than Vogue!
ottimo lavoro, Jill!!! will be in london in a couple of weeks. we need to meet!!! Claudia
I do like the riding pants, but I know that they'd be extraordinarily unflattering on me! Which is the same for quite a lot of AA stuff, really.
very cool idea way better than their usual adds
Jill, I just wrote a long comment and it got deleted!
Anyway, I have just posted about this gorgeous shoot on my blog.. I hope you like it! And I love those riding pants. They remind me of the jodhpurs I wore a few posts back - do I detect a trend there? ;)
She is gorgeous, and I agree with other comenters, the light is just perfect.
Ps- I replied to your email earlier this evening too.
I'm posting it on mine...it's a great pic, great model, great jodphurs! I'm going to buy them tomorrow in fact...!
More London Street Style at
Good luck! x
love ur pics as always! and great styling!!
I've just bought a pair of cute frill socks from AA.
i love them!
i think u like them too.
will show u next time when we meet up.
Love the riding pants. Emily looks great in them, look forward to seeing more of her.
Very beautiful! Gorgeous photography too and I LOVE the impromptu and casualness of the whole idea - love it.
i LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! TRUNED OUT AMAZING! SUCH A PERFECT IDEA! Post it on my blog and will spread it around! Good luck:)
Wow! American Apparel here in the States better have these pants because I'm going out to buy some right away! - Anonymous Bosch
Makes me miss Europe.....again.
Hello! I've added your fantastic photo to my blog post slated for 5am tommorrow. Hope you likey!
Thank you all so much! Nyao, it's funny, those frilly ankle socks were the very first thing Emily chose. But we checked, they were the one thing (apart from underwear and body's) that we couldn't borrow for a shoot. Isn't that funny! New trend: spotted right here.
Can't wait to visit each of your blogs. And those that don't blog - dear friends - thank you for your support. Truly chuffed.
Love the idea. Wish something like that could be implemented here. Big fan of yours by the way, and the NY meets London fashion is fabulous!
Hi Jill, great shots!
Been neglecting my blog whilst doing the pop-up shop but this gave me a good excuse to get back on my feet again! Emily looks great and I can't wait to see more..
Hope it will help:)
The riding pants; I love them because I ride alot. What is outstanding is the bag; it has personality, it's simple , chic and understated.
I followed the link from Daisy's blog here. Nice idea. Hope it works out well for you. The model is creatively beautiful.
http://adaisychaindream.blogspot.com/2010/04/together-we-have-voice-giveaway.html xx
Just re-posted.
Great idea!
Just put the photo up on my Blog - great idea and she looks fantastic in those Pants!
great idea...i posted this on my blog today. cheers!
As an observer and a discriminating critic, I find those pants to be quite wonderful and very sensual. Obviously they wouldn't be for me but I sure wouldn't mind seeing them passing me by wherever I might be. WEll done!
you are very sweet!
Nice idea keep up the good work...
Updating my weekend links to include this image and link ;)
Hi Jill, Caroline here from Dems Abroad. I have limited interest in fashion these days - but as you have asked for comments from all comers - these pants - ahem - trousers bear only a passing resemblance to riding pants - ahem trousers. I have a large collection of vintage clothes including jodhpurs (riding pants - trousers) in various colours, and they are more Vivienne Westwood than American Apparel-ish. OK that's enough being pedantic - I like these and will check them out as they'd be a nice addition to my wardrobe! Cheers and keep having fun out there on the streets of London.
I've just posted about it on my blog! (Better late than never, right? :D)
xxx Iris
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