So many photos I want to show you! So little time. Life goes by so fast, you know?
After Fast - the Mark Fast show - which I really want to show you photos of - it was wonderful. I saw a lovely post on my sweet, beautiful friend Ediot's blog, and realised she was shooting these girls while I was shooting them, so I want to get this one up. Fast. While cooking dinner. More to come.
Is it just me, or is life getting really interesting these days? How's your mood a the moment? Are you having one of those days where you feel that anything is possible? I hope so. Because, it is.
And if you're feeling blue, and need some perking up, turn up the volume, and sing this oldie but goodie out loud.
I see (and am guilty of using) so much hyperbole in blog comments I'm a little reluctant to use the word, but this really is a stunning photograph.
As to the feeling that anything is possible, I have the same sense these days. It seems like positive change is in the air and I think it's really exciting.
Carol King makes me so happy. I've got to go pull out the album so I can listen to the whole thing! Yes, I said it, the album-I still love the crackle and its the one I've had since I was 13!
And Ive got a touch of the "anything is possible" fever at the moment too.
this is such a beautiful shot. she is stunning.
thanks for the link ;)
you're a sweetheart. hope you're having a good day. what dish are you making?
i made crepes with hoummus today. it was a bit strange but good..
Jill, you and Ediot are amongst my favourite streetstyle (and much more) photographers! BTW, loved your previous post and I would love to visit the Vagabond Van...Have a great week!
You're right. Life goes by so fast. I'm 21 years old and it's already going by so fast! Sometimes I'm so glad to have my blog just so I can remind myself about what I've actually been doing.
And yes, I did meet up with the charming Alex - she's adorable, and we had lots to talk about.
Oh gosh I feel the same way. Glad I am not the only one. Xxxx
A gorgeous portrait! See, THIS girl can do close-ups (oh the joy of pore-less, wrinkle-free youth...!) xx
what a wonderful photo!
- aestheticjungle.blogspot.com
Such a beautiful, happy portrait -- truly smiling eyes. And yes, life is interesting! I am feeling snowed under, but it's all good stuff! Oh, and I was laughing at your comment on the penniless Vogue assistants donning "Chanel"! xxx
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