Like my friend Toni, of the Fashion Cloud, 'for reasons I don’t know how to explain', I am holding off on what I had planned to post today, because, like her, I am saddened and affected by the death of someone I have never met.

When my husband told me this morning that Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, has died, of cancer, at the age of 56.. I don't know how to say what I want to say. My father was first diagnosed with prostate cancer before he was 60. While he went on to live another 15 years, I know how hard it was, at times, for him, for my family, for me, to come to terms with the helpless feeling of how cruel, how unfair, life could be.

We all have such a short time in this life, in this world. The question is, what we do with our time. Each minute that I squander - that I occupy my mind with anger, or resentment, or feeling victimised - each minute that I am not creating either something beautiful, of use to others, or spreading some sense of hope, love, or joy - is a minute that I am wasting on this earth.
Without Steve Jobs' vision, I would not have the means for my voice to be heard. So, from the moment that I click 'publish post', I will rise, take my beautiful MacBook Pro with me, out into the sunshine. And I will write. And I will do it with gratitude to a man I've never met, who has changed my world, for the better.

Rest in Peace, Steve Jobs. But I have a feeling you won't be resting at all: you'll continue to have the vision, and the spirit, to keep on creating for us mortals, here on Earth.
I feel the same. Steve Jobs was a man of wonderful vision and creativity. The Mac is everything we wanted and he made sure that's what he made for us. Apple is design for living. I only hope the company can remain true to his spirit.
Thank you, Anonymous. I hope so, too: I have a feeling that the people he hired shared his vision, and that they are committed to remain true to his spirit.
I didn't put in the post btw: photos by me, apart from portrait of Steve Jobs: backstage at Corrie Nielson, top, and then at Jaeger, all on Day One, LFW, Sept 2011.
Oh my, again I receive the news first from you.
I'm feeling quite sad that Steve Jobs has died. Like you and so many others I'm really grateful that he made his life so amazing and touched in his own way so many people. And I agree with Anonymous that I hope that Apple stays and changes true to his spirit. I love my MacBook Pro and I use it with pleasure every day.
Thank you Steve and everyone at Apple for this amazing tool.
Wonderful post, Jill. I feel the same way - deeply saddened by the death of someone I never met who changed my life and the world immeasurably.
I cannot agree with you more about Jobs. I've been thinking about how to honor him, but am stumped. Yet, as I type on my iMac, or read blogs later on my iPad2, and use my iPhone, my every action raises a toast to his vision of a new world. My husband and I were just discussing about how Jobs name will be right there with others giants in how he changed the world. I loved Jobs' inspiration as a youth (from the book he was reading): "Stay hungry. Stay foolish."
Thank you for posting about Jobs today.
Beautifully written, Jill. We were talking about his passing last night (as I'm sure everyone was), and how nearly impossible it is to fathom the impact Steve Jobs had on the entire world. We should all be grateful, humbled and inspired.
I've spent the last year working on a thesis... not the most fun task I've ever had to do. A few months back I downloaded a 400+ dissertation written back in the 80s to use as a source for my own paper. In the dedication the woman thanked the person who typed her work for her, and all I could think was "OOOH MY! If I had to TYPE this paper I would be going OUT OF MY MIND!"
Thank you Steve Jobs for my oh-so-lovely and sleek and wonderful MacBook Pro. I am thankful for the magic it instills in paper writing, the opportunity it provides to curl up in bed at night to surf for and watch inspirational talks and documentaries, and the spiritual effect it has on me as I tap into my itunes library and completely lift my spirits while streaming my favorite music.
God speed a brilliant man who left a profound dent in our universe.
You write so eloquently about something so sad and difficult....strangely today I ended up talking on the BBC World Service about Steve Jobs....I think I did my best to say what an amazing man I think he is/was and how even though I've never owned an Apple product he has still affected my life in many ways....
Beautiful post....
Jules x
Lovely dedication Jill. It was said that while practically all other CEOS were slashing jobs in the current economic climate Steve Jobs just kept on creating them as if from thin air, as well as creating the tools for other people to create their own work and realise their own dreams and visions. A true visionary has passed on.
These are all such lovely tributes, thank you. I'll be visiting each of your blogs when I'm back (off to write again in a few minutes). Jules: thank you for putting the link on your post, I want to hear it later today.
Veshoevius: that is amazing, I didn't know that. And Leah.. San.. Stephanie, you all speak so eloquently.
I just wanted to share something else that really touched me - I retweeted it (every time I tweet something that isn't along the lines of 'OMG, I'm so jealous of your shoes' a few people unfollow me, but never mind:
Pixar, which #stevejobs helped build, has a staff policy.Leave on time every day cos you can't make family movies if you never see your own.
I knew Pixar in its inception - and one of the most wonderful bosses I ever had - probably the best, ever - a gorgeous, in every sense, animator named Eliot Noyes, Jr. - was eventually brought into the Pixar fold. So I've had a few degrees separation from Steve Jobs, after all.
A true visionary who's touched us all, and continues to. I think the most overwhelming sense - like LeahB has said - is how grateful we are to him.
Nice tribute Jill. Steve will be remembered for his contribution in our lives. I love Apple products and the passing of Steve Jobs stunned not only me but the entire world as well. Partly because I did not know that he had such cancer. Nevertheless, his legacy will live on. Find out why you need a depuy lawyer.
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