Hope you don't mind that I'm posting more shots with Hind in the same outfit - I promise I'm not just milking it because I don't have more streetstyle shots. I do. Tons o' them. And I love them all!
I wanted to show this look from the back because I love the jacket's details, and the little flower in her hair. Although she bought her Manoush jacket two years ago I've found a similar one - also by Manoush - on sale here). Hind wanted to show me the window at Hermes because she's taking a fashion course and chose Hermes for a project on shop window design. They were originally equestrian suppliers (bridles, etc). Hence their motifs on the scarfs and these fabulous carousel horses in their Sloane Street windows.
Gotta run. We've just been up to the Hay Festival & had a gorgeous perfect weekend with friends. Lots of Literary Festival Style shots, and I even got to swim - bliss! Later : )