That was for you, Miss Spy : ) I knew it was a departure from street style but couldn't help myself. I saw some fabulous silky flower details on the new season's heels @ Louboutin last Wednesday that really inspired me. I'm going to do a series soon in photoshop but also in real life, soon as I get to a place that sells silk flowers. That's my secret plan!
RoadTrip23 is the natural evolution from StreetStyle London, which is still here, and has been since 2009. Because there's more to the world than fashion, and there's more to the world than London. Lovely as London is.
I'll still be posting street style, if something really grabs me, but have expanded into other areas of interest, primarily travel, the arts, culture. Whatever I feel is beautiful or interesting: either man made, or a natural wonder.
Oh. Oh, my. Oh, my goodness. Oh. ::thud::
That was for you, Miss Spy : ) I knew it was a departure from street style but couldn't help myself.
I saw some fabulous silky flower details on the new season's heels @ Louboutin last Wednesday that really inspired me. I'm going to do a series soon in photoshop but also in real life, soon as I get to a place that sells silk flowers. That's my secret plan!
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