
happy earthday

Blown away by the response to yesterday's post. People never cease to amaze me: there didn't seem to be anything in it for you, and yet you did it because I asked. I'm so moved. We can all benefit if this works, you'll see. This is something that kind of came to me, and - for me, too - more will be revealed in time.

Meanwhile, in honour of Earth Day, I chose Andrea's shots to post, because she's so naturally beautiful (I love her skin, eyes, hair, smile, everything about this look) and because her boots are from the Natural Shoe Store. (Her sweet earth child dress is Kate Moss for Topshop, btw).

We met her and her boyfriend, Joel, in the park near the Serpentine, and because the light was being funny, I made her pose over and over and over. She just stood there dutifully yet cheerfully, under a tree. It was hard to choose because I liked so many, but I chose this one because it's got a rainbow! See?

Besides being Earth Day, it's Jennifer, the Style Crusader's, birthday! This is her getting a free hug. Why don't you go pay her a little blog visit, and give her your own, virtual hug. And have a delightful Earth Day, and many more Healthy Earth Days, to come.


Carrott said...

This post is making me want to go back to redhaired... Happy Earth Day!

Anonymous said...

I love the red hair!!!


Nicola said...

your photos are just beautiful.

daisychain said...

Wow, my hair needs to be red. NOW.

Style Odyssey said...

Happy birthday to Jennifer! I'll head over there in a moment...
Andrea has the most ethereal coloring. I'm obsessed w/ red hair anyway. Cute dress, too. I like anything w/ stars.

Leah said...

Perfect model to celebrate the Earth day... she is so sweet and so fresh.

Happy birthday Jen!


Chantele Cross-Jones said...

Andrea is very beautiful, I love her hair.

Leia said...

happy earth day! lovely photoshoot :)

Estela Rengel said...

OMG, what a beautiful ginger!
I love her necklace and her look, it's so naïf.

UnoCosa said...

hi, hi ... jilll, happy earthday to you tooo .... the photo is perfect - so natural and organic - and the feather skirt in the 2nd group is just sooo much fun!!

also, thank you sooo very much for your wonderful comment yesterday - it really meant a lot to me as you know how much i adore your blog! so, definitely feel free to add the unocosa's small little things as the way you see fit ... much love, xx

Anonymous said...

She has really cool hair! She is naturally beautiful.

And those pictures of Jen are really nice!


Olivia Isabella. said...

Happy Earth Day! I am a new follower and am loving your blog! Can't wait to see what is to come and helping out with similar things such as in the post below!
If you have a mo, I'd love if you checked out my blog...

the style crusader said...

jill you are so lovely. thanks so much for the birthday shout out! those photos are too too funny! can't wait to see you tomorrow! xx

Anonymous said...

I like your new Polkadot thingy on the top of your blog

The Photodiarist said...

Happy Birthday to Jen! Great photos too. I too like your new look on the blog.

Izzy said...


swamped in Flowers <3

Natalie said...

I love the brown messenger bag in the 2nd picture - can anyone name it? Thanks, N

jill said...

I'll find out from Jen, Natalie, and I guess get back to you on this post - don't see a link. It might be Alexander McQueen, actually! I know it was someone 'good'. You've clearly got good taste.