The hardest part in doing this ckone/mtv giveaway was not being able to give away a ticket to everyone. I was especially gutted that I couldn't reach Kiran in time (read his karma elevator story in the comments - he's due for some extra good karma as he's volunteering in South Africa for a few months), or Laura's accounting of accidentally trashing a hotel room - for some reason the emails were bouncing back and I had to let them know and the person who was easiest to get hold of was Koy Anthony Spencer, who had been tweet DM'ing with me. So I felt the only fair thing was to let the other giveaway ticket be his friend Gary Fountain (I love that name), so he didn't need to be alone at such a huge crowded party.
Turns out he wasn't. Alone. He made a new BFF: Lara Stone.
Read Koy's winning good karma/bad karma story here. I read it in bed to Mr. Dot the night he sent it, and his answer was 'give him a ticket'.
Like Laura Stone said, the picture is fierce! I had such a fabulous time. Loved the virtual box the videos must be hilarious! Alchol + going crazy in a white box = Hilar! Love the blog too your so bookmarked! :D
Twitter: @garyjoefountain
Hey Jill, it was great seeing you again last night, We had a blast though I only saw you briefly.
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