It really is true: happiness, I totally believe, is a question of expectations vs. outcomes. Lately my experiences seem to far surpass my expectations, perhaps because I'm not placing my happiness at any given moment on the outcome making me happy.
Say WHAT??
Trying to quickly post some of the many shots I took at the Converse press party last.. what day was it? Wednesday? Something I had no particular expectation for - I was honoured and pleased to be invited, of course, but it ran from 5:00-8:00 and it had been a full day and I'd told my husband I'd just show up @ 5:00 sharp and stay a few minutes. That's was my plan.
But as they say: when you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.

Some really good friends were there, some were people I'd met here & there, some I was getting to know.. the waiters were great, one or two we'd even met at other events.. fabulous mini bacon cheeseburgers, and cartons of macaroni & cheese and little grilled NY style reubens with HOME MADE NY style rye bread.. not to mention people were getting smashed on 'Long Island Iced Tea' served in gold rimmed tea cups and saucers.. let's just say, we closed the place down. They literally had to throw us all out. They even gave us little striped paper bags of popcorn: for the road.

Thank you to Amy and Becky and the fabulous Converse UK people: what a great place to work, you lucky ducks.
This is such a lovely Bank Holiday Weekend so far - and it's only half over! And I've got more to say- and to show - about this event but hey, I know most people are somewhere else, away. We're off to see friends at the seaside tomorrow and quite frankly, are having the most wonderful staycation. I'm happy as a clam, swimming every day. Hope you are, too, wherever you are.
id really like a pair of the jack purcells, i really like the toe bit. the mimi burgers are a sweet touch too. looks like a classy event
don't you love a "staycation"! i'm glad you're swimming a lot. i need to, but i have this darn cold (thanks, mr odyssey), and trying to avoid spreading it around- which means avoiding public places such as the health club pool and sauna (which, as things go, is exactly what i need to feel better! oh well)
converse...how timely to run across your post. just yesterday (before said cold) i purchased my first converse sneakers ever. wearing them today, in fact. *love* i bought optic white.
I really should start going to these things. I get invites but never go. All that food...
Just having a lovely catch up with your blog - I hope you get your teeth all fixed soon big hug!! I love your photos of the waiters, it pisses me of when peole disregard them and other staff, like people who cant even say thank you to doormen or exchange a few friendly words to a cabbie. I got a cab yesterday and the driver talked my socks down as he said I was the first person all day to actually speak to him!!
Isnt it nice to start seeing people in outfits again on the street,no more hiding under winter coats. xx
Converse are top of my wishlist right now...oh how I am drooling x
Love that first shot, just classic! lol :)
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